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Maundy Thursday Meditation

Charles Flynn


We find many references to feet in Scripture. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of peace.” Handel took this verse and composed one of the most beautiful solos in his Messiah—a powerful yet gentle offering of peace and glad tidings to all God’s people.


In the New Testament, a woman anoints Jesus’ feet with precious oil, and it reminds us of his eventual burial. Jesus himself tells his disciples that if they are not welcomed in a town, they should shake the dust from their feet and leave.


And then, on this most holy of nights, St John tells us Jesus “knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands,” laid aside his garments, girded himself with a towel, poured water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet —this man that the woman at the well just a couple of Sunday’s ago recognized as the Christ, this man knelt to wash the feet of his followers with humility and love and perhaps deep sadness, knowing what probably awaited him in the next hours. Perhaps, as Jesus held those feet, he thought of where these friends has been with him and where their feet would take them in the years to come.


These feet would take these disciples into the midst of God’s people to proclaim the Good News, to offer comfort and healing, to teach and preach, to convict and challenge.


This Good News is now ours to share.


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