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Why We Hate Politics

Charles Flynn


I have had an email from Roger Tomlinson about the Positive Action Group forthcoming talk. Roger says:


For our next event P A G is indeed fortunate in the choice of speaker.

It is one of the U K's foremost political thinkers, Prof. Colin Hay of the

University of Sheffield, where he is Professor of Political Analysis.



His most recent book "Why We Hate Politics" forms the basis of the talk.



Last month Colin shared a platform at a packed meeting with Nick Clegg,

Leader of the Liberal Democrats.



Colin enthuses about coming over here and learning about our system

of government so please do try and make him feel welcome by coming

along Monday 21st April 2008, 7.30 p.m., Sefton Hotel, Douglas.



It is the week of our Local Elections so it is apposite to consider what we

feel about politics and why there seems to be disaffection with the political

process generally.




If you are interested please contact:

W Roger Tomlinson - Chair



Monday, April 21st 2008


7.30 p.m. Sefton Hotel, Douglas


"Why We Hate Politics"


A talk by Professor Colin Hay


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