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Nature's Resurrection

Charles Flynn


Natures Resurrection!



Easter is a time when the earth comes alive. The signs of early spring are so much fun to look for. The green buds of nature burst into life - the grass has to be cut again. Happy days!


We can take a walk through a glen or a garden and smell the bluebells. The scent is unmistakeable and well …… heavenly. We know the promise of summer is not far away.


For Christians the glorious scent of nature reminds us of the Easter resurrection promise of new life in Jesus. The physical scent of things becomes inextricably linked with the spiritual events of our lives.


So why not go on a nature walk of thanksgiving this April? Set off on your stroll and give thanks to God for all that you see as you go. It becomes a most rewarding and powerful way of praying. It also helps you to take in things you might otherwise not see.


Expect new miracles to “spring forth and burst out”.


You may even discover the Risen Christ.


Christ is fond of gardens. “Tis very sure God walks in mine”'


A very happy Easter to you all.


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