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April 2008

John Wright


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Well here we are, Spring 2008. Just back from 10 days in Spain. The farm is now finished internally and I have an improved but still temporary electricity supply. The apartments are now open for the season with their new decor, kitchens and bathrooms. Bookings are good.


Over summer the outside of the farm is being done up, a decking around the pool, a shade veranda on both patios and a pool solar heater and cover and finally a Jacuzzi. Then that is it.


I hope over space of next six months to become a registered foreign (EU)lawyer in Spain and from early 2009 to spend more time out there advising expats on Manx, Irish and English law, wills etc, pensions and offering a mediation and arbitration service among the ex pat community


I was at the farm house day times only last visit and now all the frustrations are out of the way I recall why I bought it.

It was 3rd April, it was 25 degrees, the sky was blue, the daffodils I planted at Christmas were in full bloom and it was so quiet. An eagle soared over head, there was a jay in the trees as well as many smaller birds, all nesting in the boxes I have had put up, a dragonfly flew over the cisterna, so did swallows and martins.


A fox barked, distinctive. The dog started rolling in something, smelled it, yes fox droppings, pungent. There are dozens of foxes and wild boar in the surrounding hills, plus pheasant, partridge and quail.


From far away a distant melodic clanking started to impinge, it grew louder. Within half an hour a flock of sheep and goats with shepherd and two dogs passed within 50 feet and then dwindled away into the distance, their bells long audible after they had disappeared from view.


What more could i possibly want?


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