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Tuesday May 13th



Arsenal V Chelsea - who'll win?  

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8.35 a.m. I have walked Skipper and had my beans butty for breakfast. It is another beautiful day. Last night I, boatman Chris and my brother Lenny took Silverburn out for an hour’s fishing in Castletown bay. We caught nothing, so we called in the co-op on our way home and all enjoyed tuna sandwiches for supper. Later I shall head for St.Johns to check out the possibility of buying a new camper van. We are thinking now, if I have to go to Clatterbridge for three weeks, it would probably be better to stay on a caravan site than in a B & B. Our existing Camper would be a bit small to live in for 3 weeks. If anyone is interested in buying a 1994 diesel VW Autosleeper Clubman motorhome, just email me for details.


I said earlier this week that I would not mention Thursday again, until after I had the results of my scan. So, I will probably now talk of little else. Of course Thursday is playing on my mind right now. It is a little difficult to plan ahead without knowing the results of the scan. Yet, I am sure that thinking positively and doing positive things has certainly aided my recovery like buying another boat for example. Back in February, I was really ill. If someone had told me then, that by May, I would be out sailing again and walking Skipper along the Silverburn, I would have told them to dream on. It is not only over the rainbow, where the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true. Your dreams, whatever they are, really can become reality and all you have to do is dream. Once upon a time you weighed around 6 lbs; you couldn’t talk, or walk. The only thing you could do, was dream, now look at you.


Well back to camper vans now. When we lived in Ramsey, we owned a small Bambi camper van. I recall one very pleasant day we spent out on the Point of Ayre. Eventually it was time to go home. On starting the van it became apparent to us that the Bambi had become stuck in the sand. I got out and started to push. I pushed like hell. She eventually moved a few feet and then she became totally stuck again. I pushed and pushed until I was totally exhausted. I returned to the passenger seat and told Barbara it was no good, the van is well and truly dug in. She laughed and said “Jump in you bloody fool, you pushed us out of the sand five minutes ago, and I have been sitting here now with the hand break on waiting for you to get in!”


Well people that just about concludes our blog for today. It is a busy day ahead. St.Johns later this morning and hopefully I will make it out to Fort Island this afternoon and then a little fishing in the bay tonight.


Until tomorrow then this Tom Glassey with News at 8.55, living the dream, on the banks of the Silverburn.





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