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Everything posted by mal48

  1. I see a planning application in the Courier for a small domed observatory way out Smeale.Should not be much light polution, has the electric reached there yet?
  2. Probably all the Tesco refugees coming up to get all the stuff unavailable at their wonderful Tescos
  3. Are you thinking of Wadmans
  4. Rathbones in Douglas was quite a large bakers from memory[take the H out of the name and tell the other kids that was what it was made off if I remember correctly]
  5. Mr Winkle is still with us I think and was in great demand to judge at the local produce shows. I was at school with his son who was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident at the Spring valley area of Douglas in the late 60's early 70's.
  6. I can remember seven bake houses[as bakeries used to be called] in Ramsey alone. Harold Caugherty's down Church Street, long gone in the south Ramsey redevelopement, was the best bread you could ever have tasted. Jimmy Duncan could do the decent thing and tell the island "Let them eat cake"
  7. This balderdash spouted by Jimmy Duncan would be laughable if he expects us to believe a man of his business acumen can not see any other way of transporting some yeast to the island or that he lacked the foresight to plan for such a hiccup to the sailings through the recent and on going bad weather. The crux of the matter is Mr.Duncan wants Tynwald to give him a monopoly of bread supply on the island and is scaremongering to help his case to government.Rumour has been on going for years the bakery has been on the market and what with the age of the bakery and the importation of bread products in its widest sense,the in house bakeries in lots of supermarkets and the cost of his products his asset will be depreciating as every year goes on. Just imagine what a premium he could get if he had a monopoly. Jimmy you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not fool all of the people all the time.
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