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Everything posted by asitis

  1. The point is government have no real idea of what savings are, when they raised parking charges at the airport it was lauded as a possible saving of 40 grand, it was nothing of the sort it was a 40 grand increase of revenue which is a totally different thing. Until we get someone with some ideas of fiscal policy going forward we are indeed in the mire.
  2. Last time I voted for Cregeen figuring he was the best of the available dross, next time I will vote for some barely conscious imbecile figuring they couldn't do a worse job than this lot ! I urge others to do the same !!
  3. Tweaking. It needs throttling. I miss Eddie Teare coming on to explain why the sums always make sense !
  4. I think I'll have a curry for dinner every evening just to make sure I get my moneys worth, if enough people do this the scat tax could actually be counterproductive !
  5. Agreed they should be able to piss that away in mere minutes !
  6. That would be like a referendum asking whether you would like a kick in the balls. No point. You know the answer. We had a referendum asking if we would like a kick in the balls ! some people call it an election ! Oh and we clearly voted yes !!
  7. Little to do with human waste, more to do with Government waste ! Having just received an invoice from government for a service they provide which has gone up 100% in 1 year, it is clear they are stealth taxing everything they can, the crap levy is no different. Government over the past twenty years has driven the island head on into a car crash for which the only real way out is to raise income tax, they know it, we know it ! along with a clear out of non essential staff but all this would amount to an admittance of clear and unambiguous failure something which their egos will not allow them to admit. I for one as a taxpayer and a ratepayer find employing these idiots at vast cost to be an affront to every decent hard working person on the island ! rant over.
  8. But maybe the who knows who thing does not work like here in the UK !
  9. Let me get this right, Eddie says that major companies going elsewhere other than Pinewood is a good news story because it shows the vibrancy of the industry and that Pinewood can't cope because it does not have the space ! Ermm the fact Pinewood is turning major business away for whatever reasons to competitors is not a good news story no matter how you spin it, better headline would be we are not able to provide what this vibrant industry wants ! Whether this will have any leverage with the planners I wouldn't know but cmon Eddie we are not stupid !
  10. Albert you and I both know that the accounts will reveal some spending in areas which cannot be quantified, this is the whole premise around which the smoke and mirrors of this investment is based, in our current circumstances I only hope that in this case Eddie is correct and not living in a fantasy world injected into his mind by self interested others !
  11. What planet does he live on? Sorry Eddie but the share price dropped http://www.lse.co.uk/ShareChart.asp?sharechart=PWS So how is the price still rising? What you meant to say is that we are currently still likely in profit unless the share price falls further. And of course why are they attractive to market given the banana skin of planning !
  12. Here's a bit that aint bollocks : We are already 8 million quid light on the initial (second tranche) investment as we have a basket (case) of films which are unlikely to ever break even let alone make any money ! I had rather hoped that the share price was going to be the saviour of this latest foray into the film industry but seeing the latest planning application is facing a refusal or at least huge delays the hope is fast disappearing. As for the bollocks about bed nights and some fish and chips in Castletown and half the population employed in some way no I don't fall for that either !
  13. I think the difference with the film fund is threefold, firstly we had the smoke and mirrors explanations of jobs on the island, bed nights,catering, etc etc all of which were and are largely unquantifiable (the way Gov. like it) secondly, straightforward investments in terms of financial instruments exist merely to make a profit and are easily tracked and their performance judged. thirdly the legacy position of the various guises of the film fund has never been made public except for selected portions, the 8 million which is awol has never been explained by Government. It may be that all is fine and that the public are just not informed enough to appreciate the position as in other matters at the moment, but that merely raises further questions as to why the secrecy ?
  14. Eddies procrastination over the awol 8 million as highlighted by KB merely serves to illustrate the true nature of the media fund ! What is left is a basket case of movies all selling for £1 in the reduced baskets and unlikely to re coup anything anytime soon, imo we have a long way to go if we are to celebrate the investment talents of Eddie Teare. The farce is truly strong !!
  15. BBC news reporting how many jobs it will secure in the UK and how many supporting industries will benefit from a project of this size. I doubt it will have much effect for the IOM, certainly won't help with our job situation, maybe a small bounce in the share price perhaps. It will not fill the void left by the awol 8 million ! I however wait with baited breath for a government press release slapping themselves on the back.
  16. So the G7 places tax evasion as its priority keeping low tax jurisdictions in its cross hairs. That is unless the UK wants to be a low tax jurisdiction for the film ! Hypocrisy of the highest order.
  17. I find it amazing that Mr Teare can bang on about the benefits of five productions to the local hospitality and catering industry, and yet totally ignore the fact that 8 million pounds most likely will never be recovered from the portfolio of also ran films whose day has come and gone and their commercial income and profitability is zero !
  18. Thanks, if that motley collection of second tier films ever returns 8 million whilst it sits in the pound store as clearance video I will be truly astounded. Perhaps a précis of his reply should be "I think most of it has gone but wont say so" !!
  19. Anyone any idea what Eddie had to say yesterday about the non returned 8 million ?
  20. http://www.iomtoday....nwald-1-5519211 Why is it when it comes to Pinewood Eddie seems unable to grasp what appears to me to be a very simple question ? Perhaps he should have been asked why there is a discrepancy of 8 million pounds between what he said would happen and what has happened ? Seems to me the others seem unable to ask any questions about this but are thrashing around trying to find loose change down the back of the sofa !
  21. I may be missing something here but cannot understand how Eddie can keep trumpeting this investment, all I have read seems to be a small return from divi pay out and a few bed nights for minor productions here on the island.There seems to be a huge sum of public money disappeared and nothing quantifiable in return ? or am I ill informed ?
  22. Having just read the full MEA damning report I found it really gripping ! I cant wait for the Pinewood one to come out !
  23. The markets don't seem impressed with the 200m proposed development !
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