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Posts posted by asitis

  1. 5 hours ago, Hairy Poppins said:

    Whoever takes power will have the same issues. As much as I hate taxation, the problems are large and hard to solve. 

    Certainly throwing money at them isn't the answer, but the solutions will need to be properly funded.

    The island has been properly funded for years, what is has also been is fiscally mismanaged !

    • Like 6
  2. 2 hours ago, The Phantom said:

    So even if you're not a Govt Employee, Starship Enterprise believes that it is somehow supporting you.

    In addition to directly supporting the retention of over 37,200 private sector jobs.....

    The private sector here operates in spite of Government, certainly not because of it !

    • Like 8
  3. 2 minutes ago, code99 said:

    Governing this country successfully requires a more nuanced and integrated approach – just focusing on the big economic ‘slogans’ and population numbers is an approach that is simply too 'blunt' and will not work very well, IMHO.

    Fully agree, aspirational claptrap and management bullshit won't produce real world results !

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

    Just read that they are still trying to sort out what rent we will pay. Rent? I thought we had paid enough.

    Jesus Christ, so now we have staffing and rent to sort out for a facility, which if it appears the Manannan is the likely one to be using it this year, will only do so for a few months until winter returns !

    This has to be the most costly cock up in a history of costly cock ups from this island !

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Jarndyce said:

    The voice of experience?   How many do you have?

    Probably ! But I'm wise enough not to rise to the bait !

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    • Haha 1
  6. The bottom line is the Police are damned if they do, but if something goes horribly wrong, and there is need of firearms and they haven't deployed them, then they are damned if they don't !!! Twas ever thus !

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Kopek said:

    If they say it's not on the Island yet, they say they'll deliver it to your door. when they've received your payment.............oooooooooo!

    This Nissan leaf was an advert from Bristol Street Motors and the 44% off the new Corsa was Perrys.

  8. Been sent a couple of ev adverts today, one for a 2023 Nissan leaf with 10 miles on the clock at £14,990 less than half new price and one for a new Vauxhall Corsa E with a discount of £13,000 off the retail price.

    Can't wait to plow some cash into a new one LOL !

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Anthony Ingham said:

    The jobs were advertised locally and we desperately need more people in planning to deal with the backlog.  There must be tens of millions of pounds worth of economic activity sat in planning

    Whats the issue exactly?

    I see the issues as, we can't keep solving mismanaged shitshows by throwing more money we don't have at them ! Like everything, planning has descended into a farce !

  10. 7 minutes ago, Loungehake said:

    I understand that this whie elephant was the choice of policiticians. Steam-Packet wanted two more modest vessels. This error will for a long time be an millstone for the Isle of Man. £78million is extortionately expensive for a millstone. Will we have to put up with unreliable sailings for the next 25 years. I am assuming a 25 year life for Manxman. I doubt if it can be flogged off for anything like its price ticket. We are stuck with it big time.

    Ben-My-Chree was and is a most reliable vessel.  I can no longer book my car for a trip to the IOM with confidence.  I guess that the numpties who approved the specification for Manxman will bury their heads in the sand and be in denial. No one seems to have thought about such a large vessel being compatible with modest size harbours like Heysham and Douglas on its itinerary.

    I suppose that those responsible for Manxman were swayed by its glamour and size. There's one born every minute or so they say.

    Wouldn't know whether you are correct, but if you are, re the choice of Politicians, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

    • Like 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, Gladys said:

    nothing to do with the Steam Packet.

    I agree, however it's everything to do with the people who supply the money for Government largesse and profligacy i.e. the taxpayers ! I agree with your post, I particularly like the " safeguard public funds", just wondered when they might consider doing this ?

  12. 14 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

    They're clearly unaware that Govt effectively own the Steamie with the entire motivation from the get-go being that profits be maximised to contribute to the bail-out of Govt liabilities and debts.

    To be pedantic, and I apologise, you and I and the rest of the taxpayers on the island own the Steam Packet. The liabilities and debts bit is not going well, as we are now 300 million into the company, although having paid my June fare that would have helped LOL !

  13. 3 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

    A reminder of how this all started from a piece on the Afloat website in 2016, itself mainly taken from a now-vanished IOM Newspapers piece (presumably lost along with the rest of the archive when Tindle bought it)

    The Isle of Government, Tynwald has voted to acquire a site in Liverpool for a new ferry terminal writes IOM Today.

    The Manx Government are also to continue talks with the island's sole operator, the Isle of Man Steam Packet over a new sea services deal.

    But following a raft of amendments, and amendments of amendments, the near-four hour debate ended in farce as it became clear that the court was not sure what it had voted for.

    New Tynwald president Steve Rodan remarked: ‘You can look up in Hansard what we have just voted on if you are unclear!’

    During the debate, the Steam Packet was criticised for its ‘threats and blackmail tactics’ and its motive in pursuing an early deal questioned, with a number of MHKs claiming a distressed fund manager called Anchorage which has a 31 per cent shareholding was just after making a quick profit.

    There was no such questioning of the role of the Peel Group from whom a 236-year lease on Princes Half Tide Dock is to be purchased for a new ferry terminal for a price of up to £3.5m.

    Indeed all Tynwald members appeared to support the move to buy the site despite no clear explanation being given as to why the taxpayer is to get involved at all, given that Peel had originally indicated it would fund the facility in its entirety – if it could get a guarantee of long-term commitment to the route.

    Infrastructure Minister Phil Gawne said it was ‘an opportunity we would not want to miss’. He said any agreement to buy the site would provide for it to be returned to the owner at no cost to government if the development didn’t subsequently go ahead.

    Leonard Singer (Ramsey) said the purchase of the site would mean we would control both ends of the route.

    There will be an open tender for the design and build contract for the ferry terminal, the £25m cost funded by the developer. The DoI report says no work would begin ‘until a suitable agreement has been reached for its long-term use by IOMSPCo’.

    Of course a lot of those voting would have standing down at the election later in the year (or had already decamped to LegCo) and others were helped on their way out by the voters.  Only Cannan, Thomas and Watterson, plus Henderson and Skelly are still around.  Full debate is here is you want to depress yourselves.

    Reading this just illustrates the footing on which all this began ! I see that drawling bastard Gawne was deeply entrenched !

  14. 2 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

    Well so you say, but have you any evidence or is it just part of your anti establishment stance?

    I am not saying you are  wrong but your “ it never gained wheels because one party had dirt on the other” needs a bit more substance behind it if you are to be taken seriously.

    I don't give a toss whether you take it seriously or not, sometimes people are very close to the parties involved and don't wish to fill out their assertions. What I will say is a person close to one of the parties in that sorry saga said to me that one of the people involved had too much shade on parties in Government that an outcome largely passing over the matter would occur ! and it did !

  15. Could this be the power station all over again, where nothing happened because of what one party knew about the other !

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  16. 22 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

    Yes you can. There would be a clause in his contract to account for gross misconduct. If wasting tens of millions of public money on an extremely poorly thought out and implemented project isn't gross misconduct then I don't know what is.

    We simply should not be paying to keep this prick in the lap of luxury for the rest of his life!

    I think we need to know who drove the Liverpool centre at all costs scenario ! That would be interesting, I doubt that was one man !

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