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Everything posted by angelo

  1. Digital revolution? Explaining the law to commissioners? Creating employment? Expanding the state? Being modern and go-getting?
  2. New Board being challenged by someone who didn’t get elected? New Clerk being challenged by someone? Board Facebook and Website not updated? Special measures coming? Which minister is in charge of LG? Wild west Jurby. Just Ginger gossip of course.
  3. Bloke phoned me to say the fly tipped rubbish is still lying on the road next to the plot with failed planning permission. Dunno if it’s relevant.
  4. Friend in Ginger tells me bloke who didn’t get elected in Jurby is again causing ruckus because his sister didn’t get selected as Clerk. She didn’t get selected for the second time. Bit of a trial for the new Board. Wild west out there.
  5. Dunno. He was never there much. He was supposed to take a mission down the estates. Did faith healing and stuff.
  6. Btw I hear the guy at Jurby Church has done a bunk.
  7. But Jurby gets the Irish Missionary to bring civilisation to the estates. Good luck knocking on sone of those doors fella.
  8. Heard in the Ginger that the departing (in a hurry?) Archdeacon has sent an Irish missionary into the Jurby estates to set them right. Dunno if he lives there.
  9. That’s not why people are celebrating. He can’t push his planning application through now. Nor would he if he’d stayed on the ballot. Jurby expects another load of scrap metal to be dumped on the roadside today. Something to do with global warming.
  10. Streets thronged with happy people, flowers strewn, feds issuing arrest warrants for tax evasion, cyclists doing wheelies… a great shadow fallen away…
  11. Jurby result: decent people 5, gangsters 0.
  12. I couldn’t possibly comment.
  13. Rook or something. Hear that the prison is in lockdown tonight. Expect searchlights and choppers.
  14. I hear some guy was refused planning permission by central Planning and has been vilifying local commissioners who are not standing for election this time to the new board. I expect lawyers will be involved. But it verges on psychosis.
  15. Some extraordinary defamatory posts on Jurby Community FB page. Seems some real poison there.
  16. Bumster I think. Civil servant off sick. Been a commissioner for ever. Seems he got the race cancelled even though as a commissioner he had not opposed it. Personal stuff.
  17. In Jurby one candidate got tomorrow’s cycle race cancelled because 8 potential voters on the widely advertised and signed road due to close briefly might have wanted to get out for that hour.
  18. Jurby hotting up on the Commissoners FB page. A long serving Board member and candidate wanting the cycle races stopped tomorrow or the elections called off. Says he's petitioning the Governor. He won't be able to get down the pub. Democracy and stuff. Cyclists outraged.
  19. Jurby canvassing leaflet suggests one candidate who has been on the board for 29 years wants to take Jurby into the 21st century and another candidate wants to get a failed planning application approved. Democracy in action.
  20. Offers no one can refuse in Jurby. Vote for me and stay safe.
  21. Probly payback for people who objected to planning application and complained to commissioners and police about hedges ripped out and scrap metal piled on verge. Protection racket stuff.
  22. Jurby landscape. Local election manifesto.
  23. “First we take the Commissioners. Then we take over the jail. Top o the world Ma!”
  24. Jurby elections hotting up. Livestock released onto road. Offers you can’t refuse.
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