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Everything posted by Rog

  1. Not just blue but without the hated European Union writ on them
  2. I sometimes wonder what Tommy Colebourn would have to say about Manx Radio if he still walked the earth. It was him more than anyone who brought MR into being.
  3. At least the guy I'm thinking of could manage to do his job "on the chairs" which is a great deal than be said of the latest oaf in the role of CM today.
  4. I recall that there were suggestions that a character who used to schlep around Douglas who was a bit of a head-the-ball and somewhat verbose wherever and whenever he went was the source. I THINK he worked a couple of seasons "on the deck chairs" but can't be certain.
  5. As a slight aside does anyone else remember the funicular that ran from the quay to Douglas Head road? I remember going up with grandmother and great aunts and being very impressed by the Camera Obscura, and the live variety and black face minstrel show.
  6. So flogging fixed assets and leasing office space results in getting cash in the short term but costs more in the long term. It's what happens here.
  7. On that I totally agree but ask how a commercial return on 25 million quid could be returned unless by some very lucrative leases being made and who better to take up such leases than the government.
  8. Just watch what happens down the line.
  9. Any bets on how many bits will be subsequently leased by government some short way down the line? It's what happens here with such privately funded developments are sneaked through.
  10. The article reads that it is to be privately funded. I wrote that "in all but name --- ".
  11. So in all but name it's a PFI. I wonder how much tax payers money will end up going to the PFI consortium under very favourable terms to the PFI consortium. PFI's are proving to be a disaster to tax payers over here.
  12. Yes. They are guilty of inciting violence.
  13. I'll certainly say EU=Bad and BREXIT=Good. No matter what the cost to be rid of the EU is a cost well worth paying.
  14. There are times when to hate is to be a vital survival trait.
  15. Not really. To be contemptuous of the folk who believe life can comprise of sweetness and light and everyone living in a "great big melting pot" is simply to face reality rather than an impossible dream.
  16. Politics is an odd business. The first responsibility in the eyes of far too many politicians is to remain in office. As a result of a politician believes that by standing against an unpopular cause he will be re-elected come the next election far too many will do just that thing. Trump has done a Stirling job and continues to do so in spite of the deluded anti-American and even anti-western opposition he faces at home let alone the swathes of Snowflakes and their stupid beliefs on top of the open hostility of so many ignorant people world wide who can't understand that everyone and every society is NOT equally matched one with another. GoTrump!
  17. Frequently not in my case. A lifetime of experience has proved this.
  18. Oh I'm well aware I was "howling at the moon" with a rant, but why not just tell it as you see it sometimes, especially when you absolutely believe you are right?
  19. The name "First People" or "First Nation" is usually used because the land was not called America when they first came into existence.
  20. A bloody revolution is not the only option, Richard, o at least read and comprehend what I ranted on about.
  21. Very good, except that it twists what I wrote to a very different meaning entirely. The whole paradigm has been changed. The issue that I addressed is about criminals entering our country and the establishment of colonies that are utterly at odds with the British values, and even morality. Antagonistic and aggressive colonies that have analogies with the colonisation of America and the subsequent destruction of the way of life and even existence of the First People aka the "Red Indians" It's these invaders who are now starting to pick off groups within the UK. The hatred of Jews runs thought he members of these colonies like the lettering in a stick of Blackpool rock. The contempt for other groups within the UK is now being demonstrated more and more year by year. The exploitation of the British sense of fair play and tolerance is staggering is staggering. And so it's the actions of these invaders that should be considered by the Niemoller claim, it's US that are under systematic attack. In any case my assertion that a government that is hugely different from that which has been in place for so long is valid. That and rolling back the corrosive effects of Socialism and the unsuitability of our electoral system which in the face of the massive changes taking place is now a huge part of the problem. Will it happen? Goodness knows, but it should. Maybe it will take a bloody revolution in spite of laws prohibiting even complaining of what is taking place, maybe some form of partition that saw the creation of a Pakistani in order to provide a cordon sanitaire, or maybe it's to late and Britain really is in its death throes as a nation. All I know is that whatever the case it ain't gonna be pretty and I'm glad I'll not see the worst of whats coming down the pike.
  22. Nazism included the rigid control that fascism of the day imposed but that is not the same as claiming Nazism was fascism pure and simple. In any case I used the term neo-fascism in combination with "something like".
  23. If a nation fails to secure it's borders and control who is allowed to enter then that nation is bound to fail.
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