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Everything posted by jagman

  1. Super-8 - not so great. If you watch, stay for the titles. Best bit of the whole thing.
  2. Now this is what you call an action movie...
  3. Inception - absolutely amazing. My fingernails suffered badly.
  4. Toy Story 3 - brilliant as usual. Doesn't need to be in 3D though.
  5. Really? gets ok reviews on RT cant see it being Scorseses best movie ever but its one scary film i was actually going to watch It's as boring as sin, and not in the least bit scary. Don't waste your money.
  6. Shutter Island - absolute pants.
  7. Waiter this fish is too fresh
  8. Apart from the first 20 or so minutes, which were incredibly moving, I hated Up. That bird and the kid were amongst the most annoying things I've ever seen iin a film.
  9. Duplicity with Clive Owen and Julia Roberts. They should have called it Duplishitty! Boring bastard of a film that tries to be too clever.
  10. Seconded. Don't let the premise put you off. Blimey, not like me to be ahead of the game. My kids dragged me to Final Destination 4 last weekend - lots of people being killed in highly improbable ways in glorious 3D. Don't waste your money - it's shite.
  11. Went to Public Enemies yesterday. Highly recommend. Now, where can I get my hands on a Tommy gun?
  12. Italian Spiderman, a film-making exercise by Australian students. Episode 6 is my personal favourite but they're all pretty fine.
  13. Hope this isn't a repost. These crack me up... Moskau Girly Man
  14. Yeah, there's more to it than I said. But I didn't want to spoil the plot. Believe me, it's very, very good.
  15. You were in Hancock? What as Mr Modesty? Watched a really good film at the weekend - no CGI or special effects just a very good story well acted. If you get the chance to see The Visitor I don't think you'll be disappointed. It's about a college professor who takes up the djemba (sp?) drum after meeting up with a bloke from Syria and his Senegalese girlfriend.
  16. Watched Appaloosa yesterday. First rate Western starring Ed Harris and the brilliant Viggo Mortensen. Don't know why it was rated 'R' though.
  17. Lars and the Real Girl - wonderful film, really well acted - Ryan Gosling is excellent as Lars, a man who falls in love with a sex doll. It's funny and very moving.
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