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Posts posted by jagman

  1. Another big thumbs up for In Bruges. Best film I've seen in a long while.


    How much of it is devoted to 'comedy' and what type of comedy is it?


    I actually put this back on the shelf and got out Doomsday instead (which was thoroughly enjoyable) but I'm guessing for an 18 that In Bruges should have a bit of a sinister side to it yes?



    It's about two Irish hitmen taking refuge in Bruges after a hit. One loves the place, the other hates it. Very black humour with lots of swearing and violence.

  2. saw spiderman 3 much better than the last one


    No sorry, can't let this go.

    Normally, one's verdict on a film they have watched is subjective but in this case you are wrong.


    It was an awful film - fact


    Spiderman 2 was a really pleasant surprise, a fine combination of a study of the human condition and plain fine action flick.


    What the hell was Spiderman 3 all about?

    I half expected Liam Neilson to make an appearance, it spoofed itself so much.

    Watching Toby McGuire trot down the street Saturday Night fever-style would have been mildly amusing for two seconds but this whole sorry episode went on for a good 10-15 minutes.


    Even the action scenes were disappointing and then we had the criminal 'Go get 'em Spidey' American flag waving public just to make me loath the film rather than just find it poor.




    Liam Neilson? Who he? Are you thinking of Leslie Neilson, SF?

    I enjoyed the second film but couldn't be arsed going to see this as I'd read the awful reviews. My two boys (aged 13 and 12) went and they said it was crap.


    I had a half decent film - Pharoah's Army - out on DVD last week. It was a low key affair set during the American Civil War and centred on a group of Union soldiers visiting a Southern farm on a forage raid. It was based on a true story and was riveting. Chris Cooper as leader of the Union soldiers was fantastic.

  3. I Heart Huckabees and was sorely disappointed. People who's opinions i can normally trust raved about this film so i went and bought the DVD in a sale. There were about 15 minutes of the film that were good scenes (and a few of the outtakes were actually very good and very funny) and the rest was toss. I figured this was one of those films that died at the box office because they didn't go as the critics didn't get it, turns out the critics got it and gave it the ratings it deserved (apart from whoever reviewed it for Total Film who said "One of the smartest, funniest movies imaginable." which is frankly absurd.)



    Totally agree with you there, Ean. I thought it was crap with a capital K.

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