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Everything posted by j2bad

  1. So if you have a blocked drain, do you call out a rent boy?
  2. Even Manx Radios core demographic are probably dependent on their carers to make purchasing decisions that only leaves fat dullards who don't already work there and Woolley.
  3. A client told me their experience of Manx radio advertising was that it worked for the first two weeks then despite continuing to pay for several months was a waste. Its a good place to make an announcement so much better getting a news angle for your business than paying for adverts.
  4. Also being successful online is about using the control offered to scale up your marketing at the right times either seasonally or when the order books are running low. Even a plumber can set up an AdWords or facebook campaign when work is needed rather than paying 365 days regardless, the online directory model was a good idea 15 years ago but times have moved on, mind you this is Manx radio.
  5. The advertisers know that outside of a decrepit pensioners and taxi drivers no one really listens to MR outside news, weather and obituaries. That is why MR struggle to sell advertising and keep coming up with shit ideas. If the station was as popular as you make out then why are they doing this?
  6. Well just had a skeet, and yes it is not as shit as manxradiott365.com but it is still pretty shit and pointless. Fail to see how it is powered by radio, it just looks like some badly skinned free classifieds web template.
  7. This is going to be fantastic, we have not had a manx radio online car crash for a few years watching this slam into the wall like MR + and manxradiott365.com will provide much entertainment and a useful distraction from anything actually newsworthy.
  8. it is a stupid concept, government workers running a commercial enterprise never works out well, you would think they would have learnt by now.
  9. What a shame you left/were sacked - that could've been you! Predictable as ever.
  10. They are all round but lets not congratulate them for it, swapping one old fat man for another that the taxi drivers don't like will kill the callers in one go they should switch it to one of them women who seem to have listened to other radio in the past decade rather than a lame rehash of some 1980's forumla James Whale etc, mind you they are all whales.
  11. More like the taxi driver federation.
  12. How many radio stations 'break' news though? You could lay the same claim at the door of the newspapers. It's a small island. Not very much happens. Life is safe, and fairly predictable. That is a good thing! The by-product of that is that the station has to 'find' news. Fairly prominent local people saying positive or negative things is, in this world, news. It's just not very interesting. Surprised they don't just say 'look there is no news today so we are going to play an ace of base megamix'.
  13. Not bitter at all are you. You obviously have low standards, publishing what a vested interest says is hardly journalism. If its true, and I would hope it is then back it up with facts. The news team read out news items, just that. They are not going to reference every 4king topic or sentence as if they were writing a dissertation. To be news it must first be proved to be based in fact, that's basic journalism, we don't even get that from a taxpayer funded supposedly national broadcaster. Wow, J2 having yet ANOTHER pop at Manx Radio! And as usual is completely, utterly wrong. The news story is that a leading estate agent says the market is on the up. The story doesn't say that it's a fact or not, just reports that he said it. Story was posted Saturday afternoon, so good luck with getting a registry or gubmint response even if sought (and no reason it would be). The first two pars of the story set a context and allow a reasonable person to muse at the likelihood of it being true. Ahhhh - I see where I went wrong: J2 isn't a reasonable person! what's all this having a pop crap, I pay part of your wages I would rather I didn't though as I do I expect you to do a half arsed job at the very least.So, where do you work J2? I want to know so I can be hostile and rude to you if there is even a slight chance I can link my tax to your salary. If not, do your children go to a state school, or do you receive national health treatment? If so, I can have a pop at you because I pay for those things and that entitles me to say what I like to you. When people compare Manx Radio spending to NHS or education you know they are just being silly.
  14. Not bitter at all are you. You obviously have low standards, publishing what a vested interest says is hardly journalism. If its true, and I would hope it is then back it up with facts. The news team read out news items, just that. They are not going to reference every 4king topic or sentence as if they were writing a dissertation. To be news it must first be proved to be based in fact, that's basic journalism, we don't even get that from a taxpayer funded supposedly national broadcaster. Wow, J2 having yet ANOTHER pop at Manx Radio! And as usual is completely, utterly wrong. The news story is that a leading estate agent says the market is on the up. The story doesn't say that it's a fact or not, just reports that he said it. Story was posted Saturday afternoon, so good luck with getting a registry or gubmint response even if sought (and no reason it would be). The first two pars of the story set a context and allow a reasonable person to muse at the likelihood of it being true. Ahhhh - I see where I went wrong: J2 isn't a reasonable person! what's all this having a pop crap, I pay part of your wages I would rather I didn't though as I do I expect you to do a half arsed job at the very least.
  15. That's not true unless you can cite a member if registry. Under oath too I assume ? No, government official reports official figures id based on something, if they lie then the next time is under oath.
  16. That's not true unless you can cite a member if registry.It is true. Which is why you see the delay in the property published registry entries in the paper or iomonline. Nonsense
  17. That's not true unless you can cite a member if registry.
  18. Simply needed to verify with registry that this was the case with actual sales or by citing one of the competitors. Property prices are a key economic indicator you can't simply report a vested interest as fact without checking first.
  19. Not bitter at all are you. You obviously have low standards, publishing what a vested interest says is hardly journalism. If its true, and I would hope it is then back it up with facts. The news team read out news items, just that. They are not going to reference every 4king topic or sentence as if they were writing a dissertation. To be news it must first be proved to be based in fact, that's basic journalism, we don't even get that from a taxpayer funded supposedly national broadcaster.
  20. Not bitter at all are you. You obviously have low standards, publishing what a vested interest says is hardly journalism. If its true, and I would hope it is then back it up with facts.
  21. that was actually quite original for you, perhaps you could add this to your stock phrases next week when you discuss the horsetrams again. See, you're turning into a superfan. Send your address in and I'll send you a signed picture. A signed photo of a DJ is so 1980's. A radio DJ of a certain age offering to send me photos of himself, thank god you are not one of those rapey taxi driver types.
  22. that was actually quite original for you, perhaps you could add this to your stock phrases next week when you discuss the horsetrams again.
  23. In fairness even Evans has talent, and if they were not any good they would be out. Manx radio would do well to acknowledge successful radio and copy. That Mark Tiley does a pretty good copy of Ken Bruce and those women do a fairly ok copy of loose women / women's hour, shame that the rest of Manx radio dont seem to have any standard to copy. Jeremy Vines phone-in is usually topical and fresh, he obviously has empathy for callers and topics he is not just some old bore with fixed views and limited life experience repeating the same tired cliches. Limited life experience? You're confusing me with someone else. And Jeremy Vine (when he's not avoiding tax) is paid a huge amount of money by the BBC, has a massive production resource behind him, a listenership of millions and a much wider range of 'local' (i.e. UK) topics to float. I think sometimes those of us that don't like Manx Radio forget this point. I don't listen to Stu because it's amateur hour compared to the equivalent shows on BBC channels, but then Tony Livesey and Peter Allen don't plan their shows in the periods between orders for Flat White. Maybe we have too high an expectation of what is possible. Although Chris Williams can do one. I listen to a lot of radio and tune in to Manx radio infrequently during the week to hear if anyone has died recently. So catch a bit of this and that and its a helpful reminder as to why I choose to listen to the radio i do, your summation simply is not true, the women's show outshines talking heads and yet one would assume has less resources being outside the peak lunch hour slot. The crappness of that show is a lack of imagination and ability to engage not a lack if budget.
  24. Its not just the support though is it thats just a lame excuse, he has empathy and brings that to his broadcasting probably because he has done real journalism across the world, it is pretty obvious any one of those women in the afternoon would be a better phone-in host and would be able to draw in a broader range of callers.
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