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Everything posted by Yibble

  1. And from the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Communiqué: "16.We strongly support the efforts underway through the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework to address the tax challenges arising from globalisation and the digitalisation of the economy and to adopt a global minimum tax. We commit to reaching an equitable solution on the allocation of taxing rights, with market countries awarded taxing rights on at least 20% of profit exceeding a 10% margin for the largest and most profitable multinational enterprises. We will provide for appropriate coordination between the application of the new international tax rules and the removal of all Digital Services Taxes, and other relevant similar measures, on all companies. We also commit to a global minimum tax of at least 15% on a country by country basis. We agree on the importance of progressing agreement in parallel on both Pillars and look forward to reaching an agreement at the July meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors." https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/g7-finance-ministers-meeting-june-2021-communique/g7-finance-ministers-and-central-bank-governors-communique
  2. The UK Treasury Statement makes it pretty clear that the 15% minimum will apply on a country-by-country basis, rather than being a global effective rate. "As part of landmark deal, finance ministers also agree to the principle of a global minimum rate that ensures multinationals pay tax of at least 15% in each country they operate;" "Under Pillar Two, the G7 also agreed to the principle of at least 15% global minimum corporation tax operated on a country by country basis" https://www.gov.uk/government/news/g7-finance-ministers-agree-historic-global-tax-agreement
  3. I have not previously held strong views on IoMG's handling of COVID, though there has certainly been a bad smell around their dealings with Dr Glover and her company. Today though they have demonstrated complete contempt for the Island's people. Fully knowing the cruelty of the lockdown, the suffering it's been causing, the importance to businesses and all the other ways in which it impacts on lives, they chose to waffle on and listen to their own voices instead of hold the briefing at the scheduled time. Did nobody in the Keys think to put their own self-importance on hold and call for an adjournment of business until the briefing had been delivered? Shame on any MHK who spoke after 4.00pm without doing so. Shame on them.
  4. Whatever it's painted with, it seems it's not scuff proof: https://www.ligurianautica.com/en/mega-yacht-en/a-small-sail-boat-rams-the-luxury-mega-yacht-a-one-of-the-most-expensive-in-the-world/73136/
  5. I think it's important to distinguish what minister may actually be pronouncing, or even just discussing, from "groundless media speculation."
  6. Yibble

    Fancy a pint?

    Maybe the brewery's behaviour elsewhere has bitten them back on the arse here then. I do hope so, albeit I accept that may not be great for Ramsey (in the short term).
  7. Yibble

    Fancy a pint?

    I wasn't suggesting that. Merely highlighting that FI seems (to me) to be another prominent example of a business creating blight, in the hope that may help as leverage for them to get planning permission for an inappropriate change of use.
  8. Yibble

    Fancy a pint?

    The problem is not planning. The problem is H&B running the pubs down, slapping on restrictive covenants and then (Fort Island styley) leaving them as eyesores, in the hope they can get planning to turn them into luxury executive housing developments (*may prove unsuitable for the rapid rotation of felines). If the authorites stopped H&B from getting away with it, perhaps H&B would stop doing it in the first place.
  9. That also struck me as the most likely path both to obtaining a good outcome for the Island and to minimising ongoing embarrassment and reputational damage for all parties.
  10. Surely the Ben should by now be well on the way to Dunkirk in order to get Brits off the beaches before 4.00 a.m. tomorrow?
  11. He (Maguire) has been a prize tit. He's also undermined a cause (anti-racism) where he could have and hopefully still will make far more useful contributions. The Island clearly does still have a problem. The young lady who had an interview published on the IoM Newspapers site portrayed things very well and I hope more thought will follow from that. I also hope Mr Maguire will quietly apologise to Stu. However I also hope that most here will recognise that young men do make mistakes and will not attempt to pillory him for it.
  12. Over to you, cheesemakers. Your move. I think at the very least SP is due a slap-up cheese feast of Beano proportions.
  13. I don't want to see part of the taxpayer funded subvention payment used to have to make 'sorry we've wronged you in the interests of giving in to bullies and not making a stand for free speech and fair play' payments. Peters is owed his show back, sharpish, and either an apology or something close to it: "MR regrets SP's suspension during the investigation period" . MR also needs to issue a firm rebuttal of allegations of racism or inappropriate behaviour on SP's part. If MR 'pays the Danegeld' to the agitators this time, it won't be long before they're back with more demands on something else.
  14. Bloody cheesemaking surrender monkeys eh? ;-)
  15. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/07/18/boris-johnsons-claim-eu-forces-kippers-packed-ice-pillows-exposed/ Yep, lazy journalism. However when reporting any 'new rule', the papers rarely to trouble to cite the law / regulation concerned.
  16. I think we do know though. The first wave of the housing development is apparently needed because without it the hotel construction is not financially viable. A few years on, the hotel will then have 'proved' not to be operationally viable. Guess what happens then? Dandarisation will be complete. The only acceptable quantity of residential development there is zero. If Dandara have bought a hotel plot on which they're incapable of developing a hotel, tough titty. They'll just have to demolish the existing mess. Then they can sell the land on (at, presumably, a substantial loss) to someone who can.
  17. An interesting acceptability test. Perhaps Dandara should also plan a housing estate for the lighthouse site on a similar basis. This stinks. The current plans are obviously not going to be passed, but presumably are intended to lead weak minded planners or politicians towards granting a smaller residential development. There should be no forgiveness for any that do.
  18. If only there was some sort of dredged, non-drying mooring facility involved in this development plan . . .
  19. That was largely back when the Republic was a grim theocracy and the North was a heavily fortified military zone with simmering (or sometimes boiling) inter-community conflict. Now they're both nice places to be, with good food and even the beginnings of half-decent beer. Less reason for the natives to need to escape.
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