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Speckled Frost

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About Speckled Frost

  • Birthday 01/06/1973

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  1. I'm a real Blairite me. Me and Peter Mandelson are vying for Blair fan of the year. I'm winning
  2. It all hinges on the motivation for giving Rushdie the accolade. I think he's deserving of it on literary merit and if this is Blair's thinking then why shouldn't he? If he didn't simply because of the political volatility and pressure of Muslim extremists then Blair would be bowing to terrorism which is something no political leader will ever do.
  3. No Jagman, I absolutely meant Liam Neilson - he is the love child of Liam Neeson and Leslie Neilson. He plays a serious, eanst heartfelt role for one moment before taking the piss out of himself. Okay......I may have got the name wrong.
  4. No sorry, can't let this go. Normally, one's verdict on a film they have watched is subjective but in this case you are wrong. It was an awful film - fact Spiderman 2 was a really pleasant surprise, a fine combination of a study of the human condition and plain fine action flick. What the hell was Spiderman 3 all about? I half expected Liam Neilson to make an appearance, it spoofed itself so much. Watching Toby McGuire trot down the street Saturday Night fever-style would have been mildly amusing for two seconds but this whole sorry episode went on for a good 10-15 minutes. Even the action scenes were disappointing and then we had the criminal 'Go get 'em Spidey' American flag waving public just to make me loath the film rather than just find it poor.
  5. I can't be gotten rid of that easily. And try burying in a spot where there isn't a hippy festival going on next time. I'm surprised you spotted me J, what, with all that potato peeling you had to do.
  6. I saw you all in a dream and you died horribly.
  7. I'm on the Island at the moment but you will never find me. Never.
  8. I was going to ask about that. He was the guy who set up a mock I'm a Celebrity Get Me of Here type thing on manx.net wasn't he?
  9. I think Chewbacca misheard Luke when he said turn right at Saturn
  10. No, but I've spotted a couple of extra-terrestrial apostrophes. There was that incident on Snaefell three or four years ago when something resportedly crashed but nothing was found.
  11. The same can be said of Rimington being moved to DLGE - wasn't he staunchly against the incinerator?
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