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Miss Take

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Posts posted by Miss Take

  1. Saw Mission looking busy today as I ran past his shop and then a load of lycra clad, um, lovelies on bikes passed me on Ramsey harbour in a big bunch in the middle of the road...I'm sure there must have been an MFer or two amongst them. Otherwise apart from a couple more cyclists on the Bride road I saw no-one. Managed my first ever half marathon distance though. Running on the IOM is so much nicer than in the middle of England.

  2. Terminator: Salvation. I'm a huge fan of the Terminator franchise but I had BIG doubts about this film.


    Highly recommended.


    I wasn't so sure it was going to be good from reading reviews. I'll have to watch it then if it is so good.



    eek, as long as if you don't like it you don't send a cyborg back in time to sabotage me from getting to the cinema in the first place so that I can't recommend it and encourage you to see it.

  3. Terminator: Salvation. I'm a huge fan of the Terminator franchise but I had BIG doubts about this film.


    But it was fucking ace!


    I'm sure the plot holes / dodgy character motivations / whatever will come to bug me over the next few days, but right now I'm just thinking how good it was. There are so many references to the previous films (the first two at least) and not just the obvious one liners. It felt like a real continuation of the films I love and was obviously made with a lot of attention to detail. The CGI is flawless, so much so that you barely notice it. There's always a part in Terminator films where the machine's mask starts to slip and you see the hybrid nature start to show. Normally it's Arnie with some make up bulging out from his face, but this time it's CGId - you have a 'wow' moment when you first see it but then it becomes background, as it should be.


    I even loved the sound effects. The best sound ever on film, I think, is in Spielberg's war of the worlds when the first tripod is warming up after its long hibernation - a completely mechanical sound but full of menace. the sound of the machines in this film reminded me of that.


    It wouldn't stand alone - you could see it without having seen T3 and possibly even T2 but you need to know the basics to appreciate it.


    Highly recommended.

  4. I'd really like to see a true to book film version of the Running Man from the Bachman Books. The long walk is a better story but not so sure it would work well as a film.


    Can't see either of them translating well onto the screen, especially The Long Walk - mainly because I can't see a mainstream film being made about shooting young boys when they get a bit tired.

  5. Cret, I can't recommend The Mist highly enough. The ending made it one of my favourite films of last year. I think it's coming to Sky Movies this month, check it out.


    I certainly enjoyed it. Had I been the short guy in it (that looked like a pekinese!) I would not have lasted as long with that religious crackpot bitch. I like the way that the people gradually came round to her ranting though. What's not to like about any film with William Sadler too! :D


    1 dimensional characters, unconvincing CGI (though I wouldn't write a fil off just because of that), probably William Sadler's worst ever role - even worse then Die Hard 2.


    It was very typical Stephen King and reminds me why I haven't read any of his books for many years now (apart from the god awful Cell, which was 'The Stand' lite).


    Having said that I did like the ending.

  6. Quantum of Solace

    Didn't get to see it in a theater, so I rented it the other night. I liked it, but I've always been a Bond fan.

    I've often wondered what the British opinion on Bond films are?


    You should probably ask some British people then :)

  7. Withnail and I - Bought this, as ive never seen it, but more to see what the fuss was about it, after hearing the news stories about the cottage that was for sale. Like most cult-y films, took me a while to get into, definately one i need to watch again to fully enjoy it but it was an intersting movie


    It is definately one of those films to watch again and again. I usually watch it once a year, however there was a time we used to watch it on a weekly basis, usually after coming back from The Tardis after an evening on the beer.


    I agree with Shill - you get more out of it the more you watch it. Great film.

  8. currently watching 1408 on Sky. You get the feeling that John Cusack thought even though the odds of getting a Shawshank Redemption or a Misery rather than a The Stand or Firestarter were incredibly low it was sitll worth the risk of doing a Stephen King adaption. Unfortunately he ended up with a Christine.

  9. I was disappointed with This Is England, shame as I was looking forward to it as I prefer British films to most of the Hollywood ones.

    I didn't think there was much of a story to it, and it didn't really capture the 80's either.


    Me too. I'd expected quite a lot of the film and it never felt like it really got going.


    It certainly didn't match with my experiences of the 80s either - but then I did grow up in Peel.

  10. don't know how I'd missed this...watched the Hudsucker Proxy for the first time last nite. hahaha brilliant stuff from the Coen Bro's


    The Hudsucker Proxy is my favourite Coen brothers film by far. Also I can't stand Fargo. I keep trying to watch it but the accents just grate too much.

  11. arr that used to make me feel really ill .. all black and encased and would rock back and forth whilst the outside would spin around...


    Thats the one, maybe if we kept these things and used them as some sort of public torture, instead of bringing backt the birtch, put a few spikes in it, no seats, and spin them, for every week in prison, a minute in that, oh wait, my twisted mind has started again.....


    if this is the one I'm thinking of, Alton Towers has 'reinvented' it as the Hex ride.


    Also, I think the roller skating was opposite the legion, not in it. or was it? not sure now.

  12. Another big thumbs up for In Bruges. Best film I've seen in a long while.


    How much of it is devoted to 'comedy' and what type of comedy is it?


    I actually put this back on the shelf and got out Doomsday instead (which was thoroughly enjoyable) but I'm guessing for an 18 that In Bruges should have a bit of a sinister side to it yes?


    Just how many recommendations do you need before you'll take a chance? :)

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