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Miss Take

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Posts posted by Miss Take

  1. Watched "In Bruges" last night expecting absolutly nothing from it as i am not a massive Colin Farell fan, but he proved me so wrong.


    An excellent dark comedy, drama & thriller that works on so many levels.


    If you know nothing about it, you may start out wondering where it is going as it is rather a slow pace, but if you stick with it the film just grows on you, and even the missus agreed it was the best film we have seen in a good year.


    Fully recommended.


    agreed, didn't know much about it when i put it on, but really enjoyed it, brilliant film.


    colin farrell was excellent.


    Agreed again, a very good watch and highly recommended!


    Seconded, I mean thirded, fourthed - whatever - very good film.

  2. Trust me, I often have much weirder dreams than that.

    Henry Fuseli (1741-1825) used to eat raw pork before bedtime in order to give him weird dreams which inspired his paintings

    See: "The Nightmare"


    I'm not so keen on a sausage before bed...

  3. I had an actual dream that I saw ans - can't remember what he looked like though. I think he was big.

    You actually dream about anyone on here, even Ans?


    Trust me, I often have much weirder dreams than that.

  4. In a way I'm kind of glad that you guys told me about the possibility of a twist that was to come. It doesn't become apparent that there will be a twist or that there is something to look out for, until at least half way through the movie.


    If you rewatch it, there are clues about it right throughout the film. They cover some of them at the end but there are others. Kinda hard to discuss around it without spoiling things so I'll just shut up and say once again what a great film it was.


    Watched this a while ago and agree - excellent film. I knew there was something funny about the assistant guy but was still pleasantly surprised at the end .


    Next film on my list is The Last King of Scotland.

  5. Watching Toby McGuire trot down the street Saturday Night fever-style would have been mildly amusing for two seconds but this whole sorry episode went on for a good 10-15 minutes.


    we had the criminal 'Go get 'em Spidey' American flag waving public.


    yes, yes, yes! You are so right. I burst out laughing at the shot where they lingered on the flag.


    And the new goblin - you can just imagine the development meeting. 'This time he's a young man, so let's change the flyer so that it looks like a snowboard!'



  6. 16 Blocks - only got it out because there was a 3 for £10 offer on at blockbuster and we needed a third title - was much better than i'd expected.


    Other films were Pirates of the caribbean - not as good as the first one and Stormbreaker - okay but mostly interesting for Manx place spotting

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