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  1. Were you sort of financial backer before then? We all are. It's called paying taxes and Government charges. Unfortunately we're naive/gullible/stupid/uninformed/innocent (insert/delete as applicable) enough to expect those taxes to be spent wisely, with priorities and responsibility. Not blown out the arse of a pig-ignorant, clueless, utterly-out-of-control Government Department led by a pig-ignorant, clueless, cloud-dwelling moron who's at his best throwing even more of our money and assets at third-world African countries, largely just to get his mug in the paper. Roll on the election and hopefully the coming of any man wise enough to smash the DOI and it's entourage of leeching, employment justifying management and Civil Servants into manageable pieces. Dear, dear, dear. Unbelievable, nasty post. But satisfyingly accurate
  2. How was taking an equity stake in THE premier film and tv production company in the UK silly when you are looking at creating or diversifying a film/tv based strategy for the island? Surely the silly thing would have been NOT to take a stake in such a company? When spending our money, the Government seem to have a disastrously bad record - just look at any of the projects over the last 20 years and tell me which ones haven't been ruinously expensive and/or a white elephant. So - given this track record, how can we assume that they are going to suddenly have a Damascean moment and invest in something worthwhile ? As I said , if this one turns out to have made money then all to the good. It does not however, improve my opinion of them (the government) and their inept bunch of hangers on (the civil service).
  3. If we do well out of this then all I can say is thank goodness. It was always risky, and despite other comments it certainly was a 'punt'. It was a very silly thing to do , but it looks like Fast Eddie has got away with it .... this time .... however, in the euphoria which will doubtless follow - with all round back slapping and self congratulation - we should not forget the overall abysmal performance of this government. One swallow does not a Summer make.
  4. Ah ... the phrase so beloved by HR and their ilk. Do they think this makes them sound clever or sophisticated? Or are they hoping to attract really high quality candidates ( like Reynolds and Longworth maybe ). Well, we're all actually in the world I suppose ... so that makes us all 'world class' - job done - Hurrah ! But wait, another £99,317 , plus the salaries of all those in the new 'unit' - nice to see the cutbacks in full swing then.
  5. I'd wadger that we'll see those kind of gatherings here fairly soon. Let us know the date and time ... can I bring my own pitchfork ?
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