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  1. Surely the Isle of Man should push for the same level of BBC expenditure as the do for both Jersey and Guernsey. If that means handing over Manx Radio so be it. The government are looking to save £25 million, is this not a start? They would save £1M a year! That adds up to more money for the NHS etc. The station would lose all those terrible ads and gets BBC standards of staff to run the operation. Only people who won't want that is the current management. Is Pugh really on over £100,000 a year? As answered in Tynwakd a few years ago, the staff costs of running the operation are £1 million a year! Crazy numbers.
  2. So Manx Radio spend more of their government money on a new on-line directory. Really? Is that their purpose?
  3. Who remembers Manx Radio Plus? Having to opt in to a (data mining) club to take part in competitions! Marsom even got a trip to the states to talk to the radio industry about it!
  4. Seems Woman Today producers are trying to refocus the programme. What really did David's appearance have to do with a programme that clearly says it's aimed at the female listener. It was more Geraldine Jamieson material really. The show now sounds nearer to dessert island disks! On the good news side David made a pitch for his own radio show and I think he will probably will get it as the station is looking for that extra £1,000,000 to put in a lift. They need votes!
  5. Seems he's still letting his close "friend" Charles Guard take to the airwaves to have a rant whenever he wants. Wait...That's the same Charles Guard who is a director of the station and who was also on the panel to give him his new job. Hmmm
  6. You've got to a bit feel sorry for Brindley. He has Marc Tylers job, but not the same big pay check...yet. He's taken over the old agreements with the weekday DJ's which see them guaranteed their jobs, and pay, for years to come - they came off the staff gravy train contracts. I understand the breakfast show Mr "Smashie" DJ and him do not get on and hardly speak, but he has no power the axe him....and Mr Tyler still carries on coming in to do the Greatest Hits show in the time sector that did have real Manx content a few years ago. Look at the programme schedules for the last 5 years and you will notice very little has changed except the Little Women show which was forced on them to do more for their PBS £1,000,000 cheque.
  7. As for how much of the BBC money should be given to the IoM for local services should not be based on the whole UK figure but what they put into the Chsnnel Islands, which must be much much more as it's paying for the two local stations and a TV service.
  8. Interesting to see this today http://guernseypress.com/news/2017/01/27/even-more-cruise-ships-to-sail-our-way/
  9. I think it was interesting that Mr Peters did not pick up on the Bill Mummery interview today for repeating and therefore having a debate about the radio station. Surely more interesting than fraking in Blackpool. Why don't you cover it tomorrow as a subject? Clearly there would be people ringing in on both sides of the arguement.
  10. Wouldn't be surprised that he moves from the late show fill in duties to taking over Talking Heads and give the programme some much needed new direction.
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