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Bernie Sanders

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  1. I get a delightful sense of relief whenever I watch this clip of Buzz Aldrin punch Bart Sibrel in the head. 10/10.
  2. I disagree with this. Hillsborough is a tragic example of a systems failure. Nobody - police, ground staff, stewards, players, fans... - went to the match that day with the intention of causing 96 deaths and hundreds more injuries. In retrospect, after close analysis, it is clear that many bad decisions were made which led to what happened (including, I have to say, by some of the fans). To paraphrase a famous model of risk analysis, on that day all the holes lined up. It is human nature that any of those that made a bad decision will have tried to cover up, or rationalise that 'it wasn't my fault anyway because the late coming fans were about to riot', particularly when the thrust of our legal systems is to try and find someone to blame/punish. Admitting to those decisions wouldn't have brought back the dead, but could have lead to all sorts of consequences, hence the cover-ups. Human nature. It won't end today. What comes next will be a whole load of claims, or a mass action negligence suit, and the whole thing will carry on for years. I completely agree with your assessment about the disaster, but what about the subsequent cover up? We can't put that down to systems failure.
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