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Posts posted by TheTeapot

  1. I cannot be bothered to explain, but unless you have lived it you cannot hope to understand it. That "£1.53 a week" could well be the difference between withdrawing £70 or £60 from the cashpoint.  You also ignored the word 'bands'.

    A £200 bonus scheme is a good thing for the employee, and had it been announced a month ago I might very well have got my shit together and gone and done some extra work. I was toying with the idea anyway, i've done plenty of bar shifts at TT over the years, its handy, but I'd decided to irritate the boy instead. If I'd been aware of an extra £200 on offer I'd have probably gone for it. 

    • Like 2
  2. The scheme is poorly thought out and rushed as always.

    There's no doubt that an extra £200 for doing 8x5hr shifts is a nice perk for the worker.

    It should not be necessary, and wouldn't be if they had moved the fucking bands.

    Absolute fucking arseholes in charge.

    • Like 2
  3. Any and all criticism of Israel is antisemitic and Hamas. 

    Its good that the international agencies are pushing back, though I actually think the 'charges' brought against Bini and co were a mistake. Should have waited. Israel doesn't care what the ICJ thinks anyway, the openly defying the US is more important.

  4. 36 minutes ago, wrighty said:

    You could do a sort of TT crash bingo. Phrases include ‘died doing what he loved’, ‘knew the risks’, ‘lived more in 17 minutes than most do in a lifetime’, ‘will be sorely missed around the paddock’… 


    "It's like a drug"

  5. That's a fair bit of new fencing they've put out along the bypass following lasts years incident down on the southern course. 

  6. Anyone issuing predictions?

    I think the early polling will be wrong and labour will not have as big a lead as suggested; despite the awfulness of the conservatives their propaganda arm and labours ability to self harm will keep the landslide in check. Also, the SNP will lose half their seats, possibly more. They too are a mess.


    • Like 2
  7. Hot bed of criminal activity the Isle of Man.

    If I were in charge...

    I'd massively improve the community service scheme. I'd speak to all the local authorities and get some proper plans in action. especially on basic maintenance jobs that don't always get done like painting railings which really anyone can do, but whatever really. "This year our aim is to do this, this and that." I'd tell the magistrates to issue short community punishments for minor offences instead of fines, especially if the person was likely to be able to easily afford it, and where possible use community punishments generally. I'd make it publicly known what the projects are and invite people to also take part, and make it possible for people on long term incapacity or JSA to also join with the possibility of a work reference from it too. 

    Prison is not good, for anyone. We need one of course, people who commit serious violent crimes need a strong punishment, but we lock too many people up for too long for too little. And then don't give them enough help to ensure they don't end up there again.

    • Like 6
  8. I have just taken a trip to the new Port Erin store. Mostly to buy things like toilet and kitchen roll, tin foil, washing up liquid, shampoo, that kind of thing. The exact kind of thing that all has whopping great premiums on it in Castletown.

    Its laid out like the big Ramsey shoprite really, without hot baps. Prices seemed more lake road than arbory street though.

  9. He was widely tipped to take over when Khameni eventually dies. They'll probably select someone even worse.

    It was obviously very foggy where it happened and could have been an actual accident, but come on.

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