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Everything posted by CharlieBrown

  1. Facebook, Twitter, 3FM, Paul Moulton, Brook Wassal, the drone flyers, photographers etc, it should be a market economy with the money following talent, surely a highly experienced successful businessman as yourself would have to agree.
  2. So Gazillions spent on Jingles for the new sound, just turned on the radio to hear them using American Dream by Jakarta as a music bed in the new breakfast show.
  3. Well of course it was, he can't get a slot back on Radio now the jingles are all done, best keep him on the inside.
  4. Yes I am a top flight civil servant, well spotted.
  5. I know he is one of their own, but it is hardly news if a civil servant contract is up for renewal or extension, he's not a celebrity like Goldie.
  6. Just how is this the top news story? https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/the-interim-home-affairs-ceos-contract-is-to-end/
  7. The jingles are not going to get people tuning in, and apart from a shift of timings its the same presenters as before. Perhaps if they had forgone the new jingles they could have reduced the carpet bombing of shit adverts and perhaps play some decent music and got the presenters to shut up a bit more.
  8. Why didn't you say earlier, take my money.
  9. No need for a full orchestra could have been played on the wurlitzer.
  10. I think that would benefit from the line with a dot under -> ! check it out!
  11. Grown up enough to use question marks confidently?
  12. She will be relieved you don't think better of her.
  13. It's the only modern art we have, which ones do you find disagreeable?
  14. Not everything is named after pubs Albert.
  15. You calling me twisted, lets see how you get on with this little gem...
  16. Not that far down the path Stu, I take it's obligatory to get a divorce and a Taxi first.
  17. Or get the Civil servants out, I bet they would be glad of the work and putting something back in the tax payers purse, the purse that keeps them fed and looked after.
  18. Only someone on the brink of topping themselves would tune into Manx Radio at 10pm to get the final push..
  19. Wallpaper vs badly applied magnolia.
  20. That was Marks and Spencers, not M&S.
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