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sir nige

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Everything posted by sir nige

  1. uc is working well, most people are happy on it........the problems came from george 'project fear' osborne removing £5bn from the rollout......
  2. "I would occasionally say 'I'm not sure this is a good idea' and then I was told, 'Well, there's nothing you can do about it, this is an EU law'," he said. "That's going to change. And as a result, actually, there won't be a hiding place for politicians like me." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-51304017/gove-brexit-means-no-hiding-place-for-politicians
  3. that nancy pelosi has done a great job for the last 3 years as trumps re-election campaign manager.......
  4. the immigration bill was delayed under may as the eu said it would challenge any changes at the ecj...... i know that is an inconvenient truth but it is a truth all the same.........
  5. imf have the uk gdp ahead of france, german and italy for the next 2 years.......
  6. i blame the eu..... so you agree it was barbaric of the eu that the uk wasn't allowed to change it's immigration policy before it left and had to come up with another plan........
  7. "It's really not clear what's going to happen," he told the BBC. "It'll be a year before they decide and I'll get a citizen's permit so I can stay." can you imagine the uproar if england did this..... "We checked at the time of the request that the applicant for French nationality meets economic criteria, in other words makes a salary or has the resources to be economically independent and not in need of welfare benefits."
  8. bse that came from the eu........ all laws have to be compliant with eu law otherwse they can't be used.......
  9. 3+ million eu nationals have applied to stay in the england.... 90% now have the right to remain........ just a handful rejected..... intolerant england? meanwhile in the eu....... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-51280617
  10. the uk doesn't need a deal.......no deal has already happened....... it's funny hearing the #ddc still going on about nothing when they have already been proven wrong so many times.....
  11. but is unenforceable by the ecj....... by the youth that apparently support the eu and the lefty unions that apparently support the eu the facts are coming home to roost........ learning a foreign language is at its lowest in 50 years........i blame the eu.....
  12. like the guardian? never knew it was a far right paper but momentum say it is.......
  13. norfolk flats love the eu...... "dawn (i can't believe she's only 32) foster" of the guardian said the same on bbc paper review....... these right wing paper eh?
  14. it's a good job sunderland voted to leave the eu otherwise it would of lost it's nissan factory.......
  15. face it you lost......... party time maggie would be happy.......
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