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Everything posted by Golfer

  1. 39000 according to official figures released and reported on BBC , trends still downward
  2. Could initially be trialled on the returning local residents which are a max of 100 per week to save all that hassle of checks, 14 day quarantine etc.
  3. Will be the same testing used here and elsewhere, results available within 24 hours as here.
  4. Interesting that Jersey are considering changing quarantine rules as follows; Confirmation that air passengers are being offered tests on arrival in Jersey which would remove the need for a 14-day quarantine period. A pilot testing programme, which began yesterday, means self-isolation is only necessary for the 24-48 hour period until the test result is available.
  5. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    Guernsey pubs serving food open today and pubs not serving food from tomorrow, about time we got ours open.
  6. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    Harmer stopped it, said so we can enjoy walking amongst all the cyclists!! He also said may be permanent along with 20mph speed limit on prom & maybe one way some places.
  7. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    France are saying one metre in bars etc with maximum 10 at a table although Paris is just outside at present,New Zealand the same & Howie said he liked the NZ model and was looking to introduce.
  8. U.K. Are also opening dentists from 8/06 and says they are considering opening the pubs etc earlier than original date of 4/07. So even with our 3 cases we are behind the U.K. And most other countries in opening schools, dentists and bars etc but if you raise any objections you are classed as someone who wants to spread the virus and kill everyone!
  9. But outdoor eating & drinking establishments from Monday! What's that just cafes with no alcohol? Also maybe going to NZ social distancing which is 1 metre inside restaurants,cinemas , bars where it's more difficult to do 2 metres.
  10. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    Plenty, obviously jealous living on your benefits locked in house!
  11. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    Been retired a few years just a few part time directorships
  12. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    Went walking through Cregneash today and down to the chasms, never seem it so busy off sugarloaf, 4 canoeists, couple of fishing boats passing and 2 very fast speed boats whizzing around to the calf from PSM direction. went to port Erin for an ice cream and the beach was packed as as promenade, loads in sea. Looked like summer holidays from 40 years ago. You could tell schools were not open and social distancing between groups of kids non existent as well as a number of adults!
  13. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    My friends who live in Spain have been sending pictures of themselves and others enjoying nice cold pints in the sun on nice terraces. its seems bizarre how the worst impacted countries like Spain & Italy that the first things they open up are the outside terraces on bars, albeit 50% capacity and hairdressers whilst us & Uk it's non essential shops like jewelry shops etc!!
  14. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    They are talking about staggering starting times so assume schools will open later to cope, it means some of teachers will have to work longer hours. Should open some if summer to allow kids to catch up. Someone on radio today saying to provision for special needs children who have been largely forgotten by education dept & schools.
  15. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    At the weekend and when footy back on box
  16. Golfer

    Fancy a pint?

    Well no new cases again today so if this continues no reason why pubs can't open.
  17. My mother is sticking strictly to the rules, she says we can come into house but must wash our hands first and stay 2 meters away, we are allowed a cup of tea & biscuits but can only stay for 25/30 minutes which is still a stretch on guidelines!,
  18. You're right and when everyone goes to hairdresser from 1/06 most will be inside for far longer than 15 minutes so how does that work?
  19. It's the same as the 15minutes inside rule, our near neighbors have had daughter inside for past 2 hours!!
  20. To be fair to him, guidelines have been issued for all sports and as far as I know no tackling is allowed.
  21. Yes get the lazy sods back in! Teachers & pupils !!
  22. Thought it was popular but not one of my favorites inside as too dark. The Crosby is another with good outside space, don't think it's got long term uses as a Spar as Co-op is opening massive new store across the road.
  23. Tynwald mills opening or so my wife says, Mx Telecom shop, Sure etc just need a few cafes/bars with outside seating areas e.g. Cat, Horse & Plough, Creek etc
  24. Baker has just been promoted for his par to MUA, Nick Black is the one who needs axing he is CEO and the number of complete balls ups DOI have done needs to stop with him.
  25. Of còurse Tim Baker is responsible as the member in charge, nice hospital pass by Harmer! BAker is also in charge of meat plant disaster costing us £1m pa subsidies and children's champions on which he has said absolutely nothing about children or their education!! God knows what he will do to MUA
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