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  1. I believe Kate Lord Brennan is certain. Against the other remaining candidates, I don’t think Boot has much of a chance
  2. Completely agree with this. It’s all very well being enthusiastic but we don’t pay for these people to be, essentially, trained. I can appreciate that lots of people don’t have experience as an MHK but if you go for this role you should do your homework and know what you want to do and, if you were elected, where you would start to be able to reach your goal. We need people with expertise and knowledge in these roles. People need to be confident in their MHKs.
  3. 34 pages is essentially a short story. Surely it didn’t need to be that long?
  4. Not once have I questioned Maltby’s authenticity or campaign. At the end of the day, in my opinion, there are others who I believe have better policies and knowledge like Christian, Higgins or even Quine. I’ll be looking out for Maltby’s manifesto and the Studio One debate to see how they all performed there.
  5. Read Lord Brennans manifesto today. She’s forward thinking and the right person for the role. As someone has already said - Tim Crookall is lovely but doesn’t have a good track record with people regarding getting things done for them.
  6. A glance at 24keys and from what I’ve heard he’s popular with people who voted for him last time. Maybe I’m making assumptions because he’s the incumbent and some of the other candidates just aren’t up to it. edit: I know 24keys is massively over scoring candidates and it’s a bit of a joke but at least it’s something to go off
  7. All the striped shirts from Fowler reminds me of those striped tents people used to put on the beach. Who knows - maybe he’ll make a tent and move to middle for the next General Election since he currently lives in the… “vicinity.”
  8. Ticking a second box is worth it just to see Cregeen crash and burn
  9. Higgins has a brilliant manifesto and was the best at last nights debate in my opinion. I was surprised. Whether he was part of the problem or not, I believe he genuinely wants change and knows ways to do it. Maltby has no clue what she’s doing as soon as she’s off script. Simple questions about policing she avoided and then continued to stumble and was very general in her answers. I liked Christian last night, she seemed very knowledgeable - looking forward to seeing her manifesto.
  10. What went through Mann’s mind that a 1940’s German policy was a good way to deal with crime. No wonder Allinson is miles ahead.
  11. “The more they work the quicker they repay and the sooner they are released” Yikes.
  12. Maybe Ciappelli could use his posters as wallpaper in the old crossroads shop when they’re removed from all the windows.
  13. Completely agree with this. She was stumbling at the debate last night.
  14. I can appreciate that - thank you for linking me to it. Just a shame that anyone who’s dyslexic or hard of hearing (and doesn’t have enough curiosity to find the documents) have to put up with this kind of thing. They don’t even put a link to the transcript in the description of the videos.
  15. Looking forward to hearing more from Hannafin and JPW at the MR debate. It’s a joke that Fowler is even allowed to stand and waste time at debates with his waffle.
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