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  1. Let's be honest - this is only for people with a dangerous fat and sugar addiction.
  2. That is ultimately their choice. If it is not viable then it should close. It's not the business of government to keep businesses afloat
  3. I hear people moaning about big rates increases which in reality amount to small amounts of money relative to average salaries. At a time when I see more and more unnecessarily expensive vehicles on the road. And as people buy ever bigger TVs. The rates here are tiny compared with Council Taxes in the UK.
  4. Self scanning as you go around the store is the way to go. Bag it up as you shop. It's dumb having to unpack everything onto a conveyor belt and then repack it again.
  5. The places I go all seem to be doing okay. Often difficult to get bookings actually. Quality seems to be the key. It's not the business of government to make nonviable businesses viable. Better public transport at night would help make the drinking sector more viable (if that is even a good idea - perhaps the days of pubs are over). But people are too tight to pay a bit more tax to fund that. Perhaps Uber.
  6. No idea where you live, but here on the IOM we just have the one electricity company. Our smart meter seems great. But they should bring in variable, demand based pricing IMO. It's weird how smart meters now seem to be part of the stupid culture war.
  7. Perhaps we could help by filling in the potholes ourselves as has been happening in some parts of the UK. Kind of like Beach Buddies but for the roads. Also - how about only running the TT every other year - to make more time available to keep all the other roads in good condition.
  8. That's not true. In the UK the inheritance tax threshold is £325k. That's the price of many more or less entry level houses. ETA: I am not arguing for or against inheritance tax here btw. Only with your facts.
  9. For a very few. And mostly only on a very small part of what they earn. Offset by significantly reduced taxation in other areas - capital gains and inheritance being the most obvious examples.
  10. No. The main issue is people retiring early from public sector roles (not just the CS) on big pensions. But, as I said, early retirement should be discouraged in the private sector too given the labour shortage since 2016.
  11. Seriously? For what government actually has to do we are paying a very small amount. And the IOM is doing fairly well IMO. Personally I would be happy to pay at closer to Scandinavian levels in return for Scandinavian services and infrastructure. The worst thing about the IOM is how tight some people are.
  12. There are plenty of other useful roles they can perform. Early retirement from all public sector roles should be abolished. People always whine about the CS - but the fact is that the problem is much wider. Doctors too. Early retirement from the private sector should be discouraged too. Especially given the shortage of labour. The tax system could be used as a deterrent.
  13. I don't believe that is was ever really about cheap labour. But yes - work ethic is always an issue. People need to be smart and friendly and presentable and bright. That is never about training.
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