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victorian dad

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Posts posted by victorian dad

  1. 4 hours ago, Declan said:

    Learning about people’s lives that are different to your own is important to better understand the world we live in but especially for those making or scrutinising policy. I sometimes wonder if benefits policy is made by Civil Servants who went straight into the service at 18 and have never had to sign on. And the bus service run by people who’ve always had a car or lived in a town or a 9 to 5 job. 

    I agree 100%, well said.

    • Like 1
  2. "Slavery was a bad thing, it still is, but there isn't any slavery now in which Britain"

    Really, do you live in a bubble? Never heard of traveller tarmac gangs or Vietnamese cannabis farmers, not to mention prostitution?

    • Like 4
  3. Not enough Status Quo these days, can't believe the the bike helmet will be gathering dust for another 12 months.

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  4. 3 hours ago, war baby said:

    You need to realise that all the restaurants on the IOM have a very limited number of trade suppliers on the IOM

    Can you imagine how bad it is now?  No TT, no tourists at all, no birthday parties, no local trade at all except deliveries.  If you want to have any restaurants here after the Great Covid 19 War is over, I suggest support them now.  Order online, they deliver at a distance.  I want to enjoy eating out again.

    Stay safe.  Wash your hands now.

    I think that might be the best post I've ever seen on here (I did edit it)

    • Thanks 1
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