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victorian dad

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Posts posted by victorian dad

  1. I'm surprised how "The Little People"  have gone from being something to be feared in such a short time, any believer in Manx folklore would stay well clear.

    "Peace of God and peace of man,
    Peace of God on Columb-Killey,
    On each window and each door,
    On every hole'admitting moonlight,
    On the four corners of the house,
    On the place of my rest,
    And peace of God on myself".

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  2. The original DVD is pretty good apart from Charles Guard's dreadful sounding 80's synth track, the composition is fine & I like his narration, but the terrible dated sound needs updating from when a Casio was the pinnacle of technology.

  3. 29 minutes ago, gettafa said:

    Although there are some few and far between good brewery pub staff, there are too many who seem to be just surly and sulking, and see the customer as disturbing their Facebook/fag time.

    'Tis the Manx way.

  4. The sewing machine tables were the first to go & then Jurby Junk. Antiques roadshow will never return unless that Rachmanin slum landlord can step-up to the mark.

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