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La Dolca Vita's Views All In One Place?


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I think you've bored to the heart of the problem here.


It's a serious question. In a society without capital, how does person A obtain a good or service from Person B, if Person A has nothing Person B wants for bartering? Surely there is a need for some sort of currency? I would like to hear how you would resolve this problem. Thanks.

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Not really. There are rules in all societies and they need to be obeyed for it to continue. Anarchism isn't the absence of rules. It is the absence of the State and capitalism.


In an anarchist society, how would a pig farmer acquire a wardrobe from a vegetarian carpenter?

The obvious answer is that farmer would exchange some pork, ham, bacon or whatever for potatoes and vegetables from a market gardener and use them to obtain what he needed from the carpenter.

You couldn't work that out for yourself?

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Not really. There are rules in all societies and they need to be obeyed for it to continue. Anarchism isn't the absence of rules. It is the absence of the State and capitalism.


In an anarchist society, how would a pig farmer acquire a wardrobe from a vegetarian carpenter?

The obvious answer is that farmer would exchange some pork, ham, bacon or whatever for potatoes and vegetables from a market gardener and use them to obtain what he needed from the carpenter.

You couldn't work that out for yourself?


It would take an awful large amount of potatoes and vegetables to buy a custom-made wardrobe from a carpenter. Would the carpenter even accept it all, given that he couldn't possible eat it all before it went off? And it would inevitable go off before he had time to in turn distribute it himself in return for other goods. Surely it would be easier to just sell the pork, ham, bacon for MONEY and then use the MONEY to pay the carpenter. Or is that too simple? Sorry, but a society cannot function without a currency.

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One of the ideas I like is to have a gift economy. No need for interchange between two parties. Not sure if that could funtion on a very large scale though.

So why would that be then, lad?

Because the type of idealistic society that you invisage could never work, in real terms.

It's just the same old 'hippy shit' with a spiked hair-do.

Why this thread is still indulged, i can't fathom!

Never Mind the Bollocks....

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One of the ideas I like is to have a gift economy. No need for interchange between two parties. Not sure if that could funtion on a very large scale though.

Come on. This is the real world, not cloud cuckoo. Lay of the pot, hippie.

Or better still, pass it to me next....

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One of the ideas I like is to have a gift economy. No need for interchange between two parties. Not sure if that could funtion on a very large scale though.

So why would that be then, lad?

Because the type of idealistic society that you invisage could never work, in real terms.

It's just the same old 'hippy shit' with a spiked hair-do.

Why this thread is still indulged, i can't fathom!

Never Mind the Bollocks....

I imagine the fact that you can't fathom much is the problem here. You don't know much about the subject, clearly.


I said I wasn't sure if something like that could work large scale. Do you need certainties? Some think participatory system would be better. But there are no certainties there either.


But even if there is no lovely anarchist society that would be could or would be created, I would still be anarchist in my political leanings.


The starting point is recognising that the State cannot justify its authority; that society should be highly democratic; and that private business interests should no authority political authority (and would therefore need to be challened or removed).

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