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Living With Alchol Abuse


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I still feel that as adults we all a product of their childhood experiences.


Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse


They fuck you up, your mum and dad.

They may not mean to, but they do.

They fill you with the faults they had

And add some extra, just for you.


But they were fucked up in their turn

By fools in old-style hats and coats,

Who half the time were soppy-stern

And half at one another's throats.


Man hands on misery to man.

It deepens like a coastal shelf.

Get out as early as you can,

And don't have any kids yourself.


if nobody had kids then we wouldn't have a legacy but i suppose with some of today's kids i'm not surprised that people would be put off from having them hehe

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It was often that bad, even the kids were given 'weak' beer to drink instead of water, cos fermentation killed the bugs

The alcohol helped to keep it safe but small beer was probably little more alcoholic than a weak shandy - the key reason for its safety is that you had to boil the wort in the making of the beer thus as long as you then kept it away from bugs (esp wild yeasts) and drank it fairly quickly after it had finished fermenting then it was considerably safer than water from a poluted stream or well - interesting article in a recent edition of British Archaelogy that a lot of the mounds of burnt stones found in Scottish islands near clay pits were in fact microbreweries - the pit was made water tight with puddled clay, filled with water + raw ingredients, the stones heated to red heat then thrown into the pit until the water boiled - the pit was covered, left to cool to blood heat - some wild fruit added (which would have yeast on surface) - the pit covered with a large stone and left until fermentation ceased.

That's interesting. I'm keeping a note of that just in case the PC bully boy health fascists get their way and prohibition does comes in - when I'll clean out my pond and put it to new use.

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makes you wonder why on earth they didn't just boil the water and filtered it (wasn't so long ago in malta you had to do that because the water supply was not suitable for drinking)

Even neolithic men wanted their Friday night pub crawl from one drinking hole to the next!

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makes you wonder why on earth they didn't just boil the water and filtered it (wasn't so long ago in malta you had to do that because the water supply was not suitable for drinking)

Even neolithic men wanted their Friday night pub crawl from one drinking hole to the next!


I'll bet the Taxis were cheaper ...



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if nobody had kids then we wouldn't have a legacy but i suppose with some of today's kids i'm not surprised that people would be put off from having them hehe

They're not like that when they pop out you know ;-)


Children, in the main, are what we make them.


So, let the local churches speak out if they wish. They have as much right to an opinion as anyone on here, surely?

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