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Ooops That Went Well

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Hehehehe class, I love this comment: "I never imagined how USELESS this device is without connection - can basically only type notes in notepad app." but on the upside the iPad was hacked into within minutes of it going on sale in the U.S. A well-known iPhone hacker called 'Musclenerd' said that he easily gained root access to the iPad - and jail broke it.

Mind you there is an iPad nano out or is that what they call the iPod touch hehehe.

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That's the problem when you don't properly beta test your products - my guess is they released it only to Apple staffers with the latest shiniest Apple networking kit.


Microsoft has recently started doing it right: making betas available to anyone who wants to try them.

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For Microsoft phone developers there's a fine free download: http://gizmodo.com/5...one-7-right-now, this is the platform I'll be targeting.


Apple seems to have a very odd attitude to 3rd-party developers.


Amen to the Apple comment. I'm actually quite tempted to start building things for Android - it has a good SDK (also including emulator) and integrates very neatly with Eclipse. If they can make the Android platform a little more enterprise-friendly then they could really build market share. The closed source customisations that the likes of Google and HTC have been integrating into their Android phones do bode ill, though. Maybe Windows Mobile 7 is the way to go...

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