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Warning Re Defamatory And Offensive Posts

John Wright

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On 29 and 30 September 2010 the MF moderating team had to remove significant portions of several topics following reports both from users and also from external third parties who have been in touch with the administrative and legal team.


This has now been repeated on 7 December 2012 when a letter was received threatening legal action in respect of a topic and posts in it.


Removed contenton both occasions contained a number of serious allegations against identified members of the public and or defamatory material.


The moderating team do not undertake such actions lightly. However they must balance freedom of expression with risk to the continued existence of the forum and ensure that they continue to work within the relevant legislation which protects the carriers of forums such as this.


Please re read the T&C and note that if MF is threatened with legal proceedings MF may be forced to reveal the contact info of the posters complained about, to protect MF. MF may also seek costs against any poster who puts MF in that position.


Please use discretion so this forum remains available. Remember that irresponsible posting may result in warning, suspension or barring or preview of posts and may cost you a civil court appearance, damages and costs


Please also remember the Moderating team are all volunteers with no financial interest in MF and that this sort of problem takes up hours of their spare time.

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