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Bye Bye Notw


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I'm not the one bleating though, you are. It's like all the people that bleat on here when a post gets deleted / made invisible and they all cry "freedom of speech!111" Yet none of them will get off their lazy arses and start their own forum up and open it up to free speech. Vader went half way there, but still insisted on people registering (and having their registration approved before they could view/post on said forum). To the best of my knowledge, no-one has had the bollocks to do it to date, without moderators being in place to deal with potential issues - I wonder why that is... :)


It would be very easy (and cheap) to start up an alternative 'newspaper' over here. Personally, if I were going down that road, I'd just do an A3 double-sided effort in the early days, get it photocopied and sell it for 10p a copy or something and take the hit to see how things go, after that you can look at adding some extra pages and getting advertising - let's face it, if people are paying for it, sooner or later businesses will want to advertise in it. If it takes off in a big way, you can look at getting the thing done on a bigger, more professioinal scale.


Oh, and I don't have any children either...

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I beginning to think that the "establishment" are slapping him [murdoch] down, man does his organisation wield some mighty influence over the nations thinking processes, labour seem determined to see him crash and burn, wouldnt be anything to do with the last election, and possibly the next one would it.


Who have his organisation normally batted for ?.

I don't think that this whole affair has very much to do with phone hacking. Some reporters under pressure to get a story take it upon themselves to do it to gain information? Yes it's wrong and illegal and if any senior executive found out and didn't tell the police, that was wrong. They probably didn't want it to be true and and hoped it would never come out? I guess the question is, were they fearful of letting Murdoch know? If that was the culture of the business and the CEO was not put in the picture then perhaps there was a problem within News International. If Murdoch was aware and did nothing then I feel this may be a case of failing to report a crime within your organisation.


In reallity this is a tool for the establishment to snatch back power from Murdoch, I doubt that he knew what was going on at all.

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