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Manx Nostalgia - Old Election Videos

Mr. Sausages

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When I worked in the UK and people found I was from the island, I often got the response, "oh you still birch gays there don't you?".


I thought they always mentioned the TT first?


Not always, perhaps we have missed a trick? We could have had international gay flogging competitions and Eurobigot!

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The main thing that stood out for me was, what a horrible man Edgar Quine was/is.

A sentiment that many Hong Kong Chinese citizens are likely to share.

Yes, you do wonder how invincible you must have felt facing the voter when part of your career has been spent stamping on the hands of people desperately trying to clamber out of the sea.

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The Island should come out and denounce these sort of reactionary bigots as a way of putting the past to bed.

That's actually a bloody good idea.

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