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Team Roundhay fundraiser - Win a pair of TT VIP Hospitality Tickets worth £720

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Further details of the VIP Hospitality is shown on the poster together with details of How To Enter. We need your physical envelope with £10 on the inside and your name and contact number on the front. If YOUR envelope is drawn and we can’t contact you it will go to the next one drawn. (Please don’t send money for the Tombola online as it may get lost in amongst donations and be overlooked for this draw).
The brilliant Bop Katz will be there playing some great live music and I will update in the next few days as to who will be making the draw for us on the night. The night is a Rob Vine Fundraiser so entry will be by donation into the collection buckets at your discretion.
Big thanks as always for your support.
See you at the Legion on Thursday the 6th of Race Week!


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UPDATE - TT VIP Hospitality tickets worth £720

Just a reminder about the Legion on Thursday night when the draw will be made for the VIP Hospitality tickets, and I promised to let you know who would be joining us.

The fabulous Charlie Williams will be helping me, and if the weather plays ball and schedule permitting, the amazing Lee Johnston will be there to make the draw, and will no doubt have a few words to say!

While you’re here can I ask you to read a little further and see the notice below? I think it’s important that you know the type of things we’re able to put your very generous donations towards. 

THANK YOU from all the crew at The Rob Vine Fund….it means a lot.


Early 2024, Dr. Paul Hancock of Manx Roadracing Medical Services approached The Rob Vine Fund, to assist in a new blood transfusion service to be introduced for TT 2024. After much preparation and planning the equipment was purchased by the Rob Vine Fund, for use during TT and beyond. This equipment is carried in the 2 rescue helicopters and 3 medical response cars.

This investment by the Rob Vine Fund, of £13,000 has purchased all the necessary equipment to provide the service.  

The equipment was used almost at once for a critically unwell patient who received a pre-hospital blood transfusion on scene – which we believe was a first in the Isle of Man.    
For more on this news story, click the following link:


Donations to The Rob Vine Fund are vital as without your continuing support we would not be able to provide such state of the art medical equipment as this.

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