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Quit Smoking


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I've never smoked so can't comment on how hard it is to do....good luck though! I'm giving up chocolate and being too soft with people who then walk all over me. I'm also giving up chips and cheese after a drunken night out because they made me sick on Friday night :(

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You are doing better than me, my partner and me were both suppose to stop but we have had a few, I have bought some of that Nicotinell gum but I don't think it works. It costs a bit and the taste is bad, I lack the will power !

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You are doing better than me, my partner and me were both suppose to stop but we have had a few, I have bought some of that Nicotinell gum but I don't think it works. It costs a bit and the taste is bad, I lack the will power !



I really didn't want to replace the fags with anything else so I'm going completely cold turkey.

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The gum is shite, all that will do is put you off taking it. Never tried the patches myself but I know people that have and still carried on smoking because they weren't getting enough of a hit.


The cold turkey method can work if you have the willpower but I wouldn't recommend it.


Best to do it gradually, reduce the amount you smoke over time rather than just give your body a great big shock all in one go.


That's just my two penneth worth anyway.


Good luck.



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Hypnotherapy for the win apparently.


Thinking about giving that a go myself.



Yep I thought I would give the Paul McKenna book and cd ago first before paying out for a course of treatment.


I think the direct method would work better for you.


I have a friend who's sister tried it and she's never smoked since.

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Hypnotherapy is, in my experience, just boll*cks.


I tried it years ago cost me £350 for the course and had no effect at all.


I think that hypnotherapy only works for a 'type' and that I'm not that type.


I have managed to quit smoking (cold turkey) about 7 months ago, first week was tough but after that it was fine.


Good luck to those who are going to quit, no matter what method you are using!

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Hypnotherapy is, in my experience, just boll*cks.


I tried it years ago cost me £350 for the course and had no effect at all.


I think that hypnotherapy only works for a 'type' and that I'm not that type.


I have managed to quit smoking (cold turkey) about 7 months ago, first week was tough but after that it was fine.


Good luck to those who are going to quit, no matter what method you are using!



Well done, 7 months is a long time. It's a pity they don't offer you a money back guarantee if it doesn't work.


Acupuncture is another method but I'm petrified of needles.

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Imagine yourself horizontal in a hospital bed surrounded by your family,friends,children,etc, gasping your last breath as you die from lung cancer.

The final thought to go through your head is what a selfish twat you've been for leaving all these people who you love and who love you behind.


That should do it?

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