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A Full Recovery Compliance Apart!

After admission to Nobles and air ambulance transfer to Walton neurological centre on two occasions with ten days, the second under life threatening circumstance, Paul has made a very quick and seemingly full recovery from his three cerebral haemorrhages and two seizures.


I spent the weekend with him. He has had visits from lots of friends and family


He has asked me to thank all of the people who have asked about him, thought about him and prayed about him. I too have had messages of support. Thank you.


He still cannot recall the events leading to admission or 48 hours after that. But otherwise historic and short term memory are good. He has fully recovered the use of left arm and leg and is having the 50 staples taken out of his head wound today. He is fully oriented as to date time and place and has told countless nurses and physics who is the queen of England


He has been in 4 wards at Walton in 12 days and has managed to get on well with nurses until yesterday when he went to have breakfast with his mate Tommy and did not book in and out properly. I tried to discuss discharge arrangements only to be told they were worried about his “non compliance” I grinned and asked did they mean he wouldn’t do what he was told wand made their ward look untidy, Yes was the reply, evidence of full recovery to all who know him, but of concern to the nursing staff who don’t


He will be discharged this week, not sure when, Wednesday or Thursday possibly and definitely by Friday. He has tickets to a concert on Saturday and wants to do Christmas shopping. I will tie it in with a trip over with a car so he does not have to bounce back and fro on the boats. We will be back here on 16th


There is one last thing, due to the large hole in his skull he will have to go back for a titanium plate to be fitted, that will be in new year


I suspect years of fun going through airports and setting off the alarm and then announcing he has a dinner plate in his head in pidgin whatever language is appropriate for where we are


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