Long Time No Blog
Arsenal V Chelsea - who'll win?
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Well it has been an eventful 3 months. Paul went to Walton and had his plate fitted. It was a plastic affair, not titanium, so no looking forward to setting off body scanners. In and out in 4 days. I went to Spain and finalised the farm and season prepared the apartments
I got back 30 April.
& days later Paul was at deaths door again, air ambulances to Walton. Infection had set in the plate was rejecting and pressure was building up inside his brain. He lost all co ordination and started to slur.
At Walton they thought they had detected an abscess in the centre of his brain and so on IV antibiotics he was kept in for 17 nights to ensure it wasn't. Fair enough they did admit the infection was s introduced at Walton on installing the plate originally and no it was not MRSA
Paul is not a good patient, he gets bored easily and frustrated when he is not told exactly what was going on. At the start he was being told but was forgetting. Then one afternoon a nurse at a shop half a mile away recognised him. He had gone for cigs and food. As he was sleeping he missed meals. So he sneaked out for take aways!
I went over every other day, mainly day trips on the fast craft, with car and dogs. The dogs kept him going. I have now notched up my 40th single journey this year.
Anyway he is back home now recuperating, has to wait another 4 months to have the plate re fitted, in meantime cannot fly and I am the only driver
On the bright side the extension is done and most things are back where they should be, just the fish to move to their new home and Paul's new office to kit out
No witty or funny stories this time, just relief to be alive
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