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Everything posted by Stavros

  1. There you go mate, knock yourself out!
  2. You want someone with the username 'Jack Meoff' to do some 'work' for you!?! You d'ty boy!
  3. He wasn't a Pole, he was from Croatia!
  4. You really should try and make your class John. All those fines from Weight Watchers will eventually add up and then you'll be kicked out of the class. Keep with it, we know it's difficult with your weight but a little determination and you'll be fine.
  5. /Whispers....supposed to be be three legs, not three bikes of man.
  6. Ah, Gidder. I did say hello to you many, many times. It was usually from the other side of the road and maybe a little bit further down the street. No, further than that.....still further.....yes, about that far and I'm shouting.... Now do you remember me? (No, I'm the one next to the fat spotty kid. Yeah, I'm the good looking one) ........./me waves misty image type memory away..... Jeez I'd forgotten about her Heh that made me laugh! It was Suzzie Bopper as in the 'Big Bopper' not Popper. Although, I suppose it was looking pretty close sometimes. Unfortunately, she turned me down and said that whilst she could cope with me being a little on the well proportioned side, she couldn't quite get used to the smell. I've never worn that 'Hai Karate' aftershave ever again. Stav.
  7. I'd hate to get home and find that there's a spider playing on my computer and using the internet.....
  8. GOMH in Jaks last week having lunch with his missus. Gidderwook about 30 years ago outside the Mitre in Ramsey. Also Takahashi on the same day but I don't think he's a MF member.
  9. I know quite a few but didn't see any this week. Don't forget, I know you too Mission XD Stav.
  10. I've been at the beer tent most of this week and I never spotted any of you. Beer goggles must have made you all look different! Stav.
  11. That's funny, he had odd socks on last time I saw him too! Stav.
  12. how do you know he's sweaty? Bah, beat me it to it! Stav.
  13. Heh, if I didn't know who you were or what you do, I would be a bit concerned about you having monthly stints in court! Stav.
  14. Next time, I'll give you a hand signal to let you know it's me! Stav.
  15. I had Unisol follow me all the way home the other day. He doesn't drive that thing anywhere near as fast as he should. And he called me a stalker! Stav.
  16. Ah, you're right, there wasn't any detective work. It was simply a case of mistaken indentity than any form of detective work. I apologise if you felt that I was infringing on your territory, you are of course the best intenet dick around here! Stav.
  17. Sorry, mixed you up with Sweetcheeks! Stav.
  18. It said that you were a sandwich shop owner on the GMTV website: http://origin.gm.tv/index.cfm?articleid=18330 Stav.
  19. It just wouldn't of been right if we hadn't met! Stav.
  20. Stavros

    Day 1

    I'm not stalking you! Stav.
  21. Stavros

    Trains Boats & Planes

    I don't know what to say because I can't possibly comprehend what you must be going through. Best wishes, Stav.
  22. Heh, Michael Irving, a blast from the past! World Action Stav.
  23. Stavros

    Open Sesame

    Good point I suppose, I guess that I could haunt you or is the modern phrase Stalk? Stav.
  24. Stavros

    Open Sesame

    Oh get you touchy! I think that "Comments" kinda gives it away really or did you think that you could just comment on your own postings? Stav.
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