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Walk A Mile In Someone's Shoes

There's 2 types of godbotherer story, one where the punchline is 'that was when I carried you' and the other ends with 'i sent a boat and then a helicopter, what more did you want?'Today I spoke to a lady whose partner is dying in the most awful way - I cannot even write what she told me about how he is suffering, truly indescribable. Her faith frightened me because it felt almost inhuman and devoid of normal outrage in the face of this apalling cancer, and I admired and felt humbled by her str



Meaning Of Life

Does anyone know if heinz tomato sauce is pasteurised or not?New diet this time called 'neutropenic' normally i'd snigger of course....



Reality Versus Dhss Beancounters

on weds last my daughter calls dhss patient transfer from the liverpool royal hospital to ask to be transferred to the last flight since she must wait to see a doctor. she is told why are you calling so late to request this and if you don't have a letter for the audit trail then no we can't transfer you. end of conversation. my daughter having just been told her cancer had returned and she would be facing more chemo and a bone marrow transplant not surprisingly fell apart. if herboyfriend hadn'



Dhss Mystery Shopper

writing this on my pda from a ward in the royal liverpool hospital - guess what came back? there'll be more f5om here shortly sorry to say. hope springs eternal and all that.... more chemo but with more poke this time. fingers crossed everyone we're fighting again.




Found this on a forces website today:   Although he could not say with words the love he felt inside, He treasured every moment and his heart would fill with pride, He never said I love you but he came to every game, Even in defeat his son knew he loved him just the same, He'd pat him on the head Or maybe ruffle up his hair, And tell him he was proud of him as long as he played fair, When he graduated college I love you wasn't said, He smiled as he shook his hand mumbling, well d



1000 Things To Do B4 You Die

999 and counting - I've just got broadband in and its fab. All pre-configured with female friendly instructions - its a doddle! Let me see, whats next? Oh yes - medieval walled cities of Europe - by train...woohoooooo! And so on and so forth! I went to Reading this year (998) - I was one of only 10 people over 30 there and probably 1 of only 4 over 45! What you doing here Grandma? Bless, you don't think they let people your age organise these things?....smirk...! And no I dont know where



Whats That Smell?

I've finally got my act together and paid via the miracle of paypal - phew.   Is there a news black out? Someone ended up in a coma after a serious accident and this is not worthy of a single report?   "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire



Mad As A Wet Hen

Like Shady, guess who's back.   I need to pay my subscription but I've been away so long I cant remember how - somebody help me before I forget entirely. Every time I press subscriptions it takes me back to my own subscription page which has no options - and yes I'm as thick as you like - just help me PAY, Dammmit!! My entire memory got wiped on my PDA today so I'm taking no prisoners. Cant remember anything since I got it. And precious little before that. So if anyone can point me in the r



Festive Spirit

I was at the pulrose power station traffic lights waiting to go right onto the main drag about 1115am today and 2 cars in front of me was a campervan. As people drove round the corner they waved and smiled and were still smiling as they continued on. I though 'blimey that bloke must know alot of folk, must be all of his friends in convoy coming down the road!'   Anyway when we got round the corner and still more people smiling and waving, he turned off right and I was able to see Father Chri



Officially Christmas

George Michael (when he was straight!) singing 'last Christmas' has to herald the start of the festive season for me.   I have good news, went to Liverpool Royal yesterday - the specialists have said we dont need to visit them for a year! They say that were it not for the fact that we are part of a trial for a new treatment they would not be seeing us at all, but the trial has protocols for data collection and they have to be followed. I'm trying hard to feel like partying, and I know it soun



Old Dogs

Well, the fates must have been having themselves a good chortle at my last post. The other day I came home early - feeling ill and the dog managed to eat half the compost in my newly planted pots along with several varieties of spring flowering bulbs. The cost of the vet was £116 - thanks very much. In case you're interested daff bulbs are extremely poisonous - need to be flushed out of the system within 2 hours otherwise its seriously close to goodbye doggie.   It WAS seriously close to goo



Old Horses

Decided to use the blog to comment on a news story this week about the two old horses that were put down as part of the will of their owner who had died. It's contraversial, I know, but here's another viewpoint, and I dont write this to invite comment or animal rights email - it's just a blog.   Back in the way-back-when, when I used to ride work for a hunting stables - the elderly gent whose horses were my particular job shocked my fluffy thellwell heart to the core when he told me that his



Voodoo Child

It's my birthday this month - next year I should reach the big 5 0 - all things being equal B)   My son is back with us from where ever the bodysnatchers took him and things are progressing fairly quietly, for which I give thanks to whatever star system decided to give me a dig out. Take me to your leader that I may give him/her/it/them a big sloppy kish - mwah mwah darlink.   I have to dust off the funeral coat yet again tommorrow. And probably the funeral umbrella and wet weather gear a



Silence Is Golden

Number 1 son is giving me the mother of all jip. I think if you could discover a hormone restrainer for young men the world would be a nicer place. Take 2 tablets sonny boy and then go and make your long suffering mother a cup of tea and say sorry. They know how to push your buttons and you try to keep the peace, you try to help and you try and try and try and STILL it makes not a jot of difference. No matter what I say I cannot get to the root of the problem and I'm beginning to think there




Just like to clear up something.   I had not realised until it was pointed out to me that there are 2 ways of reading my last post. Sorry for any confusion. The sad news I was referring to is not to do with my family. 2 people I know have died this week and 1 is starting treatment for the big C.   Thanks to everyone for sending their offers of help and comfort - it's greatly appreciated.



Final Curtain Calls

Due to sad news more than once this week, we are discussing funeral music:   Beloved wants to enter the church to 'walk of life' and leave to some rave music - I hope he's written it down somewhere, I haven't the faintest idea who it is - some geezer.   I want a good tearjerker to go in by - what kind of a funeral is it if you cant have a really good public blub and noone minds? I think something hauntingly beautiful by Enya should do the trick. And I am definitely going to be disappearin



Open Channel D

We've had good news from the hospital, the lump has not got any bigger since the last scan which means it is almost certainly scar tissue. We are celebrating quietly and with great humility - if anything this year has taught us it is that. There but for the grace of God etc...   I am taking number 1 and only son on a Uni trip to Ingerland, dahn saaath tommorrow. Cannot describe to you how important this is, that he likes the place and they like him. I dont want him to be a drifter, finding



Life's Little Surprises

Those of you who are still here may remember my little adventure earlier on in this blog with the lounge lizard from accounts in my previous workspace... well I saw him today in the gym. Nearly died. What a wonderful place to restart my campaign against one of life's total twonks. heh heh   I am still on the juice, doing pretty good if I say so myself. Positive vibes man, positive vibes. Nothing quite like the jolt of motivation you get when the scales go down for the first time in a decad



Getting Juicy

Instead of being a 'godbotherer' I've become a 'juicebotherer'! Trying to convert everyone to juicing. I've been on the Juicemaster's turbo juice programme for 3 weeks and when I stood on the scales in the gym yesterday the arrow went DOWN!! For the first time in eons! I'm so happy there's no telling what I may do! Absolutely brilliant. If you're feeling fair fat and nearly 50 like me, nip down to the shop and get a copy and just do it - its working for me and I feel great. (Not on commissio



Party On Wayne

Had a great Easter Weekend. Went out 3 of the four nights, didn't get totally lashed and had a great time. May even have been seen shaking my booty in public! Felt really great, surrounded by my friends, some decent music, a few scoops and a curry then home. Not necessarily in that order. Managed to avoid the chips cheez and mayo trap so dont feel too bad today.   No kids at home so for the first time in yonx didn't do a big meal this weekend. The long slow slide into retirement awaits! W



Getting Worse(r)

Lou Reed is coming to town. I have bought 6 tickets. Ouch! That is the sound of my bank balance. It is the cost of reliving your youth. So let that be a lesson to you, young persons everywhere! I think he sang about tvs as well which was another one on my father's list of perverts, and so, therefore, on my list of people to be idolised. Yoof - pah! Its not like that today is it?!! Ye Gods I feel old today.   If I find one of my rooks dead, should I take it to be tested for bird-flu?! Join



Getting Old(er)

Alice Cooper is coming to town. We are hoping to get tickets and go in a group from my office. Some of them don't remember him the first time round like I do. I can even remember walking through Whitby with a copy of 'schools out' or was it 'skools out' in my hot little hand. On plastic - a 45 - wooohooo! I mainly bought it because the man was a total rebel and got up my parents nose - in those days only Danny La Rue could wear make up and get away with it. The only other one who really upse



Alt.mothering Sunday

So far, I've been to Shoprite and am in the middle of making a big roast lunch for my beloved's mama who will be arriving shortly, i've bought 2 things on ebay for my boy, fed the dog and made tons of tea for the blokes in the house who are having a 'scrubs' fest in the lounge. Mama in law has her bunch of roses and a card so he is quids in there even though I organised the flowers.   So, mothers day, how was it for you?! B)



Womanly Chores

As the saying goes, its strange that the only time people notice womanly chores is when they're not done. And another one is how come 'women's work' only becomes too expensive when you have to pay someone to do it? moan moan moan. I HATE HOUSEWORK, it sucks. When I am queen or win the lottery, whichever is the sooner - I will abolish housework completely. Except for those people who really like doing it - and now will be their chance - now who's been telling porkies in front of the MIL!! Heh



Psychic - Its Official

Not had the sporty number more than 10 days and it snows - remember you heard the prediction here first. i dread to think what might happen should i decide to wear a thong this summer - a sudden ice age perchance?!! At the very least, yeah yeah. Does my bum look big in this - HELL YEAAAH! Woohooo!   I'm still going to the gym, but am putting on muscle - its scarey when all you want are ankles! More repetitions less weights, or is it the other way round? I'm due a visit with the coach and i



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