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Everything posted by GD4ELI

  1. Handy for when I pop my clogs tho' Is that MT? yep, next to the infants school and near the hospital Brilliant! Let me know when they are putting it on the market please...
  2. Handy for when I pop my clogs tho' Is that MT?
  3. The Independents best. Shame the weather was so crap for most UK viewers. Interesting that astronomers are using this event to fine tune their instruments and techniques for detecting planets around other stars. Is anyone into Radio Astronomy? I'm working on the software side now, have a good SDR receiver for 50MHz through to 2.2GHz. When back on the rock will look out for a decent dish.
  4. GD4ELI

    Adhd Island

    Sounds just like me and many others at Albert Road in the 60's; well done girl you have the right attitude.
  5. GD4ELI

    Adhd Island

    Speaking of ADHD and 'Special People', where's PL?
  6. FWIW this little jobbo is ~ 1.5 miles from me. http://www.sternwarte-mirasteilas.ch/
  7. FWIW I have Radio Astronomy code to write in a few weeks... Is anyone into RA on the rock?
  8. It would surely make more sense to transfer him to an open prison, given that he's no threat and it would free up a space in the Manx Prison for someone... more deserving? Or make him live in Ramsey?
  9. 71 is hardly very old, what else should be done - pat him on the back?
  10. Don't forget Annie's tax-raising speechette next Tuesday.
  11. They should have scrapped it when it 1/2 sank... it's a heap of sh**... Racket or MR?
  12. Queue sad music, violins, wailing wimmin etc. Announcement from Infrastructure Minister 'Tony told me to let you know that we're all up against the wall ...' etc.
  13. ... another 25 years rule by Tony Brown with terms dictated by Little Miss Moffat.
  14. I suspect that the 'Fat Cats' who know what's happening realise that they will soon be unemployed unless Tony & The Cronies come up with a nice big bung and pretty soon.
  15. This Mezeron business will only benefit the Island in the long run. If only we could find a company which can build roads more efficiently that the DOI / DOT (I have Bowring road in mind here) then it would be very good news and a nice wake-up call.
  16. So slow it's almost unusable (Manx Tube, not Phil Gawne)
  17. There will be many people (myself included) that will be against a taxpayer bail out for a private company. As is your great leader. Anyone with an atom of business sense can see that the Racket is stuffed, based on current prices and rotten service I couldn't care less.
  18. Then they should get six Rhode Island Reds.
  19. They will save on: * Pension * NI assuming they are employed through a non-dom company * Less holiday entitlement * ... Anyone else?
  20. I do not believe you, but if it's true then they are only a few weeks or months away from the very end.
  21. MW scare tactics? I don't remember anything about the pension fund in the 2008 accounts.
  22. Gazza, what do you mean by pick-up, a half-cab jobbo or? Wicked prices, I'm in the wrong business.
  23. 2008 Accounts: Everyone should read the 2008 accounts, especially pages 24 and 25. Then consider the freight loss. Who will you be sailing with in 2013?
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