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Everything posted by Cret

  1. I haven't looked through this thread, so apologies if this has already been posted or done to death etc. I thought I'd post it seeing as it's IOM 'based'..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQXF15VZV7I *Bah* edited to add that manx minx beat me to it - didn't spot has her link looked a little different.
  2. I recently watched the new terminator film and as per others here had my doubts because I thought that 3 was crap and I even tire a bit of 2 these days (not the original though). I thought it was superb - very well done indeed except for what seemed a bit like a big hole at the end of the film. Can't be arsed explaining with spoilers since I know others thought the same thing. Also watched Hitman and quite enjoyed it, District 9 was fooking ace, but my favourite film I've recently watched was Taken - REALLY good film. And the other night while I was working out in the garage I watched Van Wilder again, just because the 'cream bun' bit is rather amusing.
  3. I knew you'd do that. I was making it clear to my colleague that I don't have a fried chicken fetish (honest), after I suggested to him that perhaps we get some scran in the local useless emporium for it. I can't even remember the last time I had some. Perhaps I should....
  4. Not sure I should even count seeing as spotting you is an every-few-days occurrance. I saw Knoxville the other day in Route66 scoffing something tasty looking. And Cheeky boy of course.
  5. I saw Rhumsaa, Buggane, Jim, and probably a few others without realising this avvy at the go kart derby. Most enjoyable event, even though I did miss most of it!
  6. He's not that easily mistaken surely?! I saw Stu Peters the other day too driving round the roundabout by Rushen School, ciggy in gob. I did stick my hand out of the window and wave at the bugger as he drove towards & past me but appeared not to be spotted. Shocking! Edit - thebees - you're right about those chicks - they could really do with troughing on a few pies!
  7. I'd really like to see a true to book film version of the Running Man from the Bachman Books. The long walk is a better story but not so sure it would work well as a film.
  8. I can't quite remember but isn't it one of the short stories in the 'Skeleton Crew' book? Probably 10 years since I read it so I didn't remember what happened besides people being stuck in a supermarket with nasties outside.
  9. I certainly enjoyed it. Had I been the short guy in it (that looked like a pekinese!) I would not have lasted as long with that religious crackpot bitch. I like the way that the people gradually came round to her ranting though. What's not to like about any film with William Sadler too!
  10. Correct! I just finished watching 'The Mist'. Usual sort of thing as far as Stephen King adaptations go. I enjoyed it, although it was a bit grim at the end. The other day I watched the remake of 'Day the Earth stood still' and it seemed to get off to a good start but then not a lot happened really. Bit of a disappointment overall. Also watched Planet Terror at last and absolutely loved it! Best of all was the spoof trailer 'Machete' which is being made into a proper action film this summer. Get in there!
  11. Has it? Never really got into them so I wouldn't have noticed but my pal did bring round the soundtrack with her (hence the mention of the film) and some of the tunes were quite acceptable. The portugese covers of the Bowie songs were entertaining. I may watch it again imminently because it was such an enjoyable film actually. Aside from that, I recently watched two Harold & Kumar films too. Totally childish and probably not that funny to most people but there were a few entertaining bits. I liked their use of Neil Patrick Harris (Dougie Howser MD) as a debauched nutter.
  12. Last night I watched 'The Life Aquatic' which has quite an impressive cast as it turns out. Never heard of it 'til a friend mentioned it the other day and it's been out since 2004. Quite impressed. Very entertaining film indeed in an odd kind of way.
  13. Cheers for that - nice video.
  14. Make sure he plays Tarzan Boy too....
  15. I could have sworn I saw him going into the co-op in Port Erin a day or two ago, but perhaps it was just an imposter.
  16. 'Someone on here'? Did they just look like they're from MF?!
  17. I've not been there for a while either. They used to do an excellent mixed grill. I've just fitted a new kitchen at home and I do like cooking (mainly making it up as I go along though), but I'm still too busy to take full advantage of the better facilities just yet. I'm not single but I know what you mean about the roasts like that. The wife is a veggie and despite my efforts to cure her, it means that I don't really feel inclined to go to the trouble just for myself. Dunno about best grub on the island but as Chippies go they certainly get my vote. Can't you tell the young fellas they only get pocket money if they do the washing up or something?
  18. And I spotted you in the car park by the swing bridge the other day.
  19. What a dangerous stunt to perform - shocking! That said - I went across a roundabout this morning when I completely should not have done and nearly copped a car in the side of mine as a result. Very poor indeed. Sincere apologies to whoever it might have been!
  20. Spotted dooahhdoo this morning. Looked a bit like he was struggling to 'negotiate' the tight turn from south quay onto head road!
  21. Oddly enough, guess who I spotted today too...
  22. Cheeky bastard! Oh how glad I am now about the 'remote detonation device' I fitted secretly to the Disco last year....
  23. Nah, it's been there for yonks.
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