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Everything posted by Rog

  1. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    No, the crime of being in possession of counterfeit US currency and the crime of attempting to pass counterfeit US currency then the crime of resisting arrest when first approached by the police in the store.
  2. I much prefer Boers to bores.
  3. IMO the mistake that Peters made was to forget that when having been dragged into a river of sewage NEVER swim against the flow.
  4. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    Who was drugged up and in the process of committing a crime. In any case his criminal record included a whole lot more than just aggravated robbery. Nonetheless there is no way that he should have died the way that he did.
  5. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    When you learn to spell the word you might start to learn what a real racist is but be prepared for a surprise because then you'll soon learn that I'm not one.
  6. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    Now where did I ever even hint that?
  7. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    I'm not trying to deny that racism runs through the USA and most police services like the lettering. In a stick of Blackpool rock, simply commenting on how the arrest of a crim with a pretty awful record and the awful mistreatment he received was leapt on by the black caucus. There's racism taking affect in all races. There's bound to be - it's human nature.
  8. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    Best you can do? Oh dear. Thinking about it it probably is.
  9. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    What kind interesting is that a drugged up individual engaged in committing a crime threw a wobbly and had to restrained. He then calmed down and was escorted to the side of the street. When he was helped to his feet but fought against being placed in a police car and once again had to be restrained and sadly died because illegal practices were employed by a very probably racist policeman acting contrary to published procedure it somehow morphed into a "black lives matter" thing when the only possible racist component was the individual whose actions may have been the cause of his death though the proof of that has yet to emerge in court. (Probably were but innocent etc.) But out of that comes the demand for "justice" which would have become clear in the inevitable inquest and trials. These rioters don't want justice. They want revenge.
  10. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    Worth a read? Not really.
  11. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    Generally speaking civil police and the methods that they employ tend to evolve to meet the needs of maintaining law and order, often based on day to day experience.
  12. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    Because it's non of our business and a thing that doesn't affect us and since the brouhaha is taking place thousands of miles away in a different country there's SFA we can or should do anything about.
  13. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    It's interesting how the phrase "Black Lives Matter" implies that there is a general belief that black lives don't matter and it is necessary to correct that opinion. Such is most certainly not the case but it does add justification to the rioting and looting that is happening. It's also interesting that the demands for "justice" are in fact demands for revenge. Also that the civil disturbances are bring out people more intent on looting than "demonstrating". Black lives matter? ALL lives matter. Equally.
  14. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    Nonsense. The salient word is "your".
  15. Rog

    Black Lives Matter

    All lives matter.
  16. When President Trump said "If you loot we'll shoot" he should have carried his threat through. As for ANTIFA they certainly a terrorist organisation and should be proscribed. In any case if Floyd was complaining that he couldn't breathe the question is if he couldn't breathe how could he have said anything? If Floyd had simply done what he was being TOLD to do, same with most people killed during similar police incidents, he would still be alive today.
  17. So has anyone kept a tally on the cost of the 'prom fiasco to date? And apart from that idiot Gawne (how he ever got away with what he has defeats me) who are the principle incompetent fools to blame for it? From the strangely absent voids that were claimed to be an urgent problem that justified this monumental clusterfuck to the horrendous waste of money that the stupid horsetrams have caused and everything in-between. It's not only Denmark that has something rotten about it.
  18. In this case every indication is that Abbotswood FAILED to provide a safe environment for residents and staff. The government FAILED to react to an emerging situation. Moreover in addition to defined terms there are implicit requirements.
  19. Yes, you're perfectly correct. But those emotional angry opinions are based on evidence, events, common sense, and that which is patently bloody obvious. I've got no flesh in this fight but I do have an opinion and my opinion is that the inspection report (which was NOT all sweetness and light as is obvious to anyone able to read between lines) and did not include a narrative which while not essential nonetheless is often include was nothing more than a box-ticking exercise. What is REALLY damning is the lack of any "oh SHIT" reaction when it became clear that the Chinese Plague was attacking even one resident. PPE was the responsibility of the home owner BUT the Manx government should have been in proactive mode, not reactive mode and ASHFORD should have been messing his rompers having identifies vulnerable groups and making damn certain that what was happening to them was responded to before the Abbotswood disaster happened. In my opinion he failed at every level of responsibility he had by virtue of his role. Then there's Quayle. "Mene mene tekel upharsin"* is exceptionally appropriate in his case. As for placing a gagging order on anyone, if that indeed has been done, that is simply beneath contempt if it has been done. * Mene mene tekel upharsin - Belshazzar's feast - You have been weighed and found wanting.
  20. Events prove this to be true.
  21. In the UK, even Norfolk (!) it is the responsibility of the owner of the accommodation to provide everything needed to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for residents and staff. The UK Care Quality Commission regularly audit all aspects of geriatric and other sheltered accommodation but it is the responsibility of the facility provider to deliver. https://www.cqc.org.uk/
  22. Surely since Abbotswood is privately owned it is the responsibility of the owner to provide PPE for employees, not the government?
  23. It first emerged in China. It was subsequently given a code to register the virus as one of the coronavirus types. There's nothing racist involved.
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