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Everything posted by Rog

  1. No. The logical and long delayed legislation must be brought rapidly into place compelling all unemployed people to work in any job that they are fit to do to actually DO in return for their tax payers hand outs. If immigrants can afford to do it then our unemployed can afford to do it. I, and an increasing number of people, are strong believers in the principle of those who will not work should not eat. Covid-19 and BREXIT are going to have a huge effect on a great many things that have become taken for granted and will quite simply HAVE to change and our country will be a great deal better as a result.
  2. France tried the same with Germany too.
  3. Hrmm. This is sorta - well something. :- https://www.euroweeklynews.com/2020/03/21/french-police-in-bid-to-confiscate-130000-face-masks-bound-for-uk-nhs-doctors-and-nurses-battling-the-coronavirus/ On top of that the French ordered a business that was in contract with HMG to manufacture PIP to withdraw from that contract and make PIP for the French instead. https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/06/coronavirus-french-protective-mask-manufacturer-scraps-nhs-order-to-keep-masks-in-france
  4. FWIW police are now very active enforcing the rules regarding Kung Flu rules over here, drones are being used to monitor what people are getting up to. A number of mobile shops have sprung up and are doing a roaring business. Almost over night signposts have been stripped of village names or been swapped over and "go home you're not wanted" signs and graffiti are all over the place. Lots of things in short supply in the shops too. Even fresh veg, "County Lines" would seem to have changed radically with our local produce being taken to the crap holes rather than drugs being brought from the crap holes to us. I just hope you guys are getting through this nightmare OK, we seem to be a few days ahead on the shit highway but otherwise from following your press the route seems as near as dammit to being very similar. Stay safe, really.
  5. Not at all. Israel hospitals will take them is which is what has been getting done for many years in the case of the seriously ill and capacity exists. One example of many many https://tinyurl.com/y5vuma52. If the position has been reversed it would have been a trip straight to a cremation oven,not a hospital bed.
  6. Yes. My bad (as my g'daughter persists in saying!)
  7. One can always find a woman, one can always find a man but ---- one will never find a Yiddle down a coal mine!
  8. Well of course! It was from the perspective of a senior citizen! But there's no way I was looking to do anything other than raise a flag, that would have been obvious to anyone with a higher IQ than the number of their teeth - oh wait! Now I see your problem.
  9. It must be that the heavy metals in the terribly badly thought through Peel Pollution Pond somehow also been getting into the Manx drinking water for decades. The thread that I started was not about me, I pointed out that I would scarcely be affected, but that a great many old folks over here would be and it was a bellweather of what was coming down the pike to the island. It was the same as my describing the shortages and disruption that was bound to hit the island and probably worse because of the island being at the end of what would be an increasingly fragile supply chain.
  10. I'm not Polish silly Mick.
  11. It certainly is beyond mine. So explain it to me. NThey're criminals that should not even BE in this country, they should be in their own or at the very least where they are legally entitled to be. That or in permanent internment until they cooperate in their deportation.
  12. One of the advantages of having dual nationality is the degrees of freedom one has in such matters.
  13. I pay all the taxes that I am legally required to do. In any case that's somewhat rich from someone possibly/probably living on an island that thrives on facilitating real tax avoiding and no doubt still tax evasion if a few Stones were to be turned over ------
  14. Hooray indeed, provided they have been immediately deported. Tell me, why the hell do you (or anybody) rejoice in these CRIMINALS being set free to walk freely in OUR country?
  15. Yes it does. At least in my case. Maybe the fact that I really couldn't give a tinkers cuss about other people, especially foreigners, comes into play.
  16. And precisely what is remotely wrong with that? Narrow minded equates to being focused and Little Englishman equates to someone who in this day and age irrevocably supports the principle of England First.
  17. Just as charity should start AND REMAIN at home so should employment.
  18. Never mind. We have escaped from the European Commission. It's all good.
  19. I have absolutely not undermined my own argument.
  20. Itinerant agricultural workers in particular seldom if ever bring their families with them. Why should British workers? Agricultural workers usually get in very basic accomadation, often rented from the employer The issue is to preclude importing workers when we have so many could work won't work right here that we tax payers are paying to do NOTHING.
  21. A travel warrant could be provided for the person traveling to the job NOT CASH and maybe paid for in part by the employer but as regards family - why should they travel with him/her? Families very seldom accompany (particularly) agriculture workers.
  22. But it shouldn't be restricted to just a single part of England, it should be country side. If there's work to be done in (say) Bognor Regis and unemployed who can do that work in (say) Newcastle on Tyne then the person out of work in Newcastle should be compelled to travel and take that work if he - or she - is competent to do so.. If some creature who has been using the ridiculous "freedom of movement" garbage which was morphed into open borders can schlep across Europe and do so then so can and should the lard-arsed Sofa Jockey in Newcastle.
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