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Everything posted by Rog

  1. Nazism included the rigid control that fascism of the day imposed but that is not the same as claiming Nazism was fascism pure and simple. In any case I used the term neo-fascism in combination with "something like".
  2. If a nation fails to secure it's borders and control who is allowed to enter then that nation is bound to fail.
  3. No it's not. Don't confuse Nazism being the same as fascism. Maybe it would be worthwhile researching just what fascism is actually about, and note that I wrote "some form of neo-fascism".
  4. I believe that the liberal democratic form of government has failed added to which the Westminster model of government based on what has become combatant opposition is very damaging to the nation. A loyal opposition based on the party in opposition playing devils advocate is far in the past and now it has become a bitch fight based on power grab at every opportunity. Throw in the singularly non-residential first past the post election system and its no wonder the UK is in disarray and the criminals are speaking in bringing all the disgusting beliefs, values, and aims with them IMO the situation has now become so awful that only some form of right wing neo-fascism is the only answer. Not fascism as of old, but a period of single party authoritarian government that had British values as the basis of legislation to drain the swamp and cess pits of so many of the UK cities and destroy the anti-British colonies that have become established and are now joining up. If this does not happen then the invasion of "people" from third world crap holes brining their third world so-called cultures with them will continue to destroy Britain not to mention other civilised European states having a REAL cultural history and society that are being attacked right now. Some nations such as Hungary and Austria stand out like shining lights but others such as much of France and Germany are being systematically destroyed by "immigration" whilst Sweden is a lost cause. UK finished? Terrifyingly close, but still time to recover. It won't be pleasant, if it's NOT done then the alternative is going to be both tragic and horrible. We MUST get out of the disgusting EU to stand any chance though.
  5. Faced with the lying libtards and the horrible Obama actions IMO for all his faults The Don is doing a fantastic job.
  6. Dammit! An autocorrect that I missed - it should have been "lavatory"! (I was trying to avoid using "shit hole").
  7. London has been a suitable for years. Khan is just the floater that has risen to the surface.
  8. Not when it's literally correct which certainly is the case in Haiti and most African nations.
  9. Thanks. Not sure how active I'll be though, I feel like a very been filleted.
  10. I came bloody close, more than once I wished I could have.
  11. Listen Babushka, when attempting to argue on a false premise a person will always fail.
  12. Ahhh, "another one" who ignores the fact that Judaism and Israel are indivisible.
  13. I've seen very little that is pro Israel here but a very great deal of Judenhaas (Jew hatred).
  14. Well being an old Yiddle I'm certainly not the ghost of a Christmas present.
  15. Examining the way that termination of a pregnancy was dealt with in the ancient world and especially in Judaism where even post natal termination was acceptable for a short time and under certain circumstances. Based on the teachings of what REAL Christians refer to as The Second Covenant it becomes clear that the Roman Catholic church (a singularly un-Christian organisation) have been the driving force of the anti-abortion movement. Abortion is often a difficult decision for a woman to have to make and a bunch of ignorant bigots howling how dreadful a thing is helps no one. Again based on when human life begins these ignorant psuedo-Christians claiming that life begins at the moment of conception is also not in line with the teaching of the sources they claim as the basis of their strange and actually blasphemous claims. I am disinclined to spend time instructing there deluded so-called Christians such as form the basis of such organisations as The Living Hope church on Christianity and it's sources, sufficient to say that they should STFU over matters that they are profoundly out of touch with.
  16. It’s none of our business. It’s their country, they’re dealing with their problems. Good luck to them.
  17. Astounding ingratitude. The Chinese carried out what was for once a real honour killing for the family ----- and they just moan about it.
  18. Not so. One involved genocide and euthanasia of ‘useless eaters’, the other involved the execution of a drug mule. If he was that mentally ill how come he managed to get to Poland, and where were his family? Raca. What I wrote in my profile is my dislike of ISLAM[/b/ which is NOT the same as a dislike of people ensnared in its clutches.
  19. To start with the “British” citizen broke the law in a foreign country. The fact that in Britain a drug smuggler would not be put down is probably more cause for concern than that a drug smuggler (now) has been put down. As for assuming that most British people deplore the death penalty for certain crimes, I wouldn’t bet on THAT one, If people on the Island, or who have exceedingly strong association with the Island are entitled to state their opinions as involved parties. We are not involved parties in the case of a “British” man who got involved in drug smuggling. It is NOT our business but it is to our shame that a piece of “our” scum has broken the law in a foreign land.
  20. I think you are missing a very fundamental point...that whilst it is the right of the Chinese to do this, and their laws are very specific, the fact is there is actually provision within Chinese law for people who are mentally ill. The Chinese seem to have not taken this factor into account in this case, not followed even their own process in this case, nor listened to the evidence provided to prove mental illness in this case - according to those organisations fighting the defence of this individual. So ill he couldn’t be married and have kids, so ill he couldn’t hold down a stressful job, so ill he couldn’t manage to schlep his way round North Western China. Yeah. Right.
  21. Don’t be silly. The crimes that were tried at Nuremberg were crimes against humanity, crimes that were offences against all people of the world.
  22. Why do I suspect that if he had been middle class and white British, that the fuss made and outcome, might well have been very different? Or is that me being too cynical? No. It would probably have received little or even no press coverage.
  23. With respect, that is absolute tripe. The people have even less input into their government than we do. Those aren't THEIR laws, but laws that they have been told they must obey by others. They aren't the roles that the people have chosen to govern themselves. Their issue --- NOT ours. We rightly complain when outsiders bitch about our way of life, if we don’t like some aspects of our way of life we do something about it. It’s down to them, We should keep our noses out and let the Chinese people go down whatever track they do and only get tense if they threaten us. We didn’t move from a feudal system to democracy (such as we have) within a century, China is making great strides from what it had been to where it is today at a blisteringly fast pace but with such a huge and diverse country it would be impossible to suddenly introduce our Western way of life. The effect would be disastrous. As for the drug mule who has been put down, basically tough. If nothing else it will send a message to others for the future and it SHOULD send a message to our government to treat scum as scum,
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