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Everything posted by Blackajah

  1. Correct! And most of them are either retired, semi-retired or have little/no skin in the game. They take great delight in sitting back and crying about the need for distancing (no plan as to how to keep business forced to operate at 50% capacity) or border changes but offering nothing really useful.
  2. Remember a couple of years back when there was a plan to demand ID from passengers before getting on the ferry? The aim of all this is probably to create a 'border' force and bring this crap back in even after the need for faffing about with landing forms etc. They are using drugs as an excuse so some petty tinpot Nazi can fantasize over ordering people about even more at the ports.
  3. Some absolute toxic bile on the FB IOMN&P group thread. One of my comments was removed - not for profanity, but for use of a forbidden word : gammonati.
  4. Whereas the GMP don't appear to know when they're being kidded - because they vote the same old people in at every election (well mostly) and then moan when little or nothing changes.
  5. He can go and live on the Calf with that stupid cow from the Guardian and the rest of the local doom coven.
  6. Agree 100% with this. Nowhere can you find the information that vaccination significantly reduces transmission anywhere. I'm sick of seeing comments "but vaccination doesn't stop you getting it or passing it on'. It does - not 100% but enough for most people. It's fear fear fear all the way with the MSM. Except for rags like the Blackshirt Bugle which tends to demand an end to lockdown, but then prints headlines screaming of 'deadly mutant' strains. At home, I've stopped listening to the BBC because of crap like 'are you worried about socialising again?'. If people want facts about what happens in a population with a high % vaccinated, look at the data coming out of Israel!
  7. A swathe needs to be cut through the CS for everyone at SEO level and above. If they're not doing an essential job, then out they should go! Unfortunate yes, and people in these jobs have families and livelihoods, but the IOM can't afford it anymore. As for the CS - why can't MHKs come out and say when they're being frustrated by the collective? If these are unprecedented times in terms of health/travel/work etc, then why can't we have a political upheaval and some effort at least towards bringing the IOM to good governance.
  8. If you're waiting in considerable pain for any treatment at Nobles, or if you're in need of a dentist, some input/help for a family member with complex/special needs, then basically IOMG are basically telling you to sod off, as they'd rather bung £5M on an old boat. £5M! As with other heritage entities, they should all be privately funded by enthusiasts/charity or whatever. Not vast amounts of public money. Any Tynpotwald member who votes for or promotes this should have their oft-expressed wish to serve the GMP seriously challenged because it's obviously a load of sh*te.
  9. They might as well cancel all gigs from off Island artists for the rest of the year, plus TT, S100 & MGP for next year if they're going to wait for the UK case rate to drop. It will rise with things opening up more, but if hospitalisations and deaths don't rise, and IOMG carry on as we are, it will be years before Manx hospitality etc can benefit. Perhaps they're moving so slowly in the hope that all the roadworks will finally be finished before they let the tourists in.
  10. Blackajah

    TT 2021 ??

    I can remember over the years when changes have been suggested to modernise the TT, these have all been shouted down by the traditionalists, so of course nothing has happened.
  11. Some of the doomers are retired / ex professionals. They are, of course, perfectly entitled to express their views, but it's a bit rich when some of them are sitting back on fat pensions advocating permanent lockdown and the consequent income fall for others. Do they really think that the small cafes & similar businesses could survive social distancing and masks for ever (as they appear to want). Meanwhile in the real world...............
  12. Don't be repeating positive news like this..... it won't fit the agenda of those sitting back on FAT pensions (ie retired professionals) and advocating either lockdowns or masks etc forever - because what about the scariants? Reading some of the contributions on Twitter makes me wonder whether these people actually live in the real world - you know, where you have to actually earn a living!
  13. A lot of the problems we have are caused by not a lot of people other than grannies voting.
  14. Been saying this all long - they need to come out and admit there can be no TT/FOM with prevailing attitudes ie,- that NOONE must be admitted to hospital or become ill with covid because Noble's can't cope.
  15. Said it before, but what's needed now is honesty about the TT/FOM Every 5 minutes there seems to be a new variant which we're all going to die from - or one recently vaccinated person who gets covid and therefore "the vaccines don't work and we're all going to die" So in that atmosphere, can the TT ever go ahead again? Even in the face of incontrovertible proof that vaccines reduce transmission (and I accept we don't have this yet) there will be those who won't believe it. And those who refuse to have the vaccine are surely putting the capacity of the hospital at risk because the prospect of overwhelming of services will always be there; how can the TT/FOM go ahead next year? I seriously doubt it can.
  16. Yes, and if they don't do something along these lines, they might as well come out and be honest - no TT, gatherings, festivals, MGP, S100 etc ever again, because "what about the new variants" and all that bollocks which is being used to keep people scared of opening up.
  17. Spot on. I work for govt (no furlough for me, working from home) in a technical IT role related to health. In my experience, there is a lack of supervision or even willingness to supervise whether people are actually doing what they're being paid to do. Clearly there was rubbish communication and a complete lack of oversight. What an absolute clusterfuck (yes, pun intended).
  18. We don't expect our government and administration to be perfect. But we do expect them to be open and accountable when things have gone wrong. They'd be more worthy of respect if they came out and said ' really sorry folks, we've ballsed it up but we'll do our utmost to plan to make sure it really doesn't happen again' Too much to expect in an election year?
  19. Eomer to Theoden, the assembled Rohirrim, Hobbits et al at Isengard after the Ents trashed it. Sorry, I'm a massive Tolkien nerd and had to show off there for a minute.
  20. Errr, they haven't vaccinated all health office staff. I know that for a fact.
  21. You said the magic word - Dander. They're 'special'
  22. But they still have their elaborate building, councillors' expenses, mayor's parlour etc etc. The whole lot needs getting rid of and the functions absorbed by central government. We are a small nation - why on earth do we need so many layers of 'government'?
  23. I wasn't living on the IOM in 1991 (left in 1982, returned 1997) so I hadn't heard about this before. It's appalling that this had to happen before a change was made. But unfortunately, not surprising.
  24. I've watched 3 episodes of this and it's the most brilliant, funny, heartbreaking series I've watched in ages. I lived in London in the early 80s and had a lot of gay friends. It's a Sin has captured the spirit of the age perfectly I think. Much as I'm enjoying it though, underneath it all, there's a seam of anger against the Government of the day for the ignorance, prejudice and ill treatment perpetuated by them and further illustrated by the adoption of Clause 28. I'm watching the other 2 tonight and preparing for an ugly cry.
  25. Jo Brand's approach to housework is the one I follow. "Fuck it, that'll do......."
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