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Everything posted by x-in-man

  1. If only they had another boat under charter that could take the freight while the Ben took the passengers in the busy periods like TT and The Festival of MotorPrix. Say, I dunno, for the next 4 years or something, as a target date. I'd be all a quiver staying in Liverpool overnight. Nottingham would be better. There used to lots if ARROWS flying about in Nottingham. There's an idea.
  2. They need to paint the whole boat white and stick some big ears on it. Not been the best purchase. Still, buying a used boat then having to get it delivered half way round the planet is going to put some wear on the drivers seat I suppose.
  3. There is nowt funnier than a dog on laminate floor. A laminate with some textured surface is vital in a kitchen, bathroom, or entrance way. it's a good base for carpet tiles if you buy the cheap slippy stuff. Put the cheap stuff down in the mud room and workshop with carpet tiles on top, warm, non slip and when one gets to bad to clean just swap it with another tile. stuck down with spray glue and it's been 8 years and counting with one tile swap and a washing machine flood. It has it's other uses and if you've got enough to do a 3x3 metre room I know of a worthy cause who will take if off your hands and put it to good use!
  4. '..decided that our energy and focus is now better concentrated on finding another location for our Sea Breezes offices' There you have it. Port Erin nil, someone else 1. Can't have those pesky tourists taking up space in Port Erin. Other options for sites on the Isle of Can't include ..... Pick any run down, eyesore of a plot of your choice. But it'll probably have to be in Douglas.
  5. Port Erin, Peel, Ramsey, Castletown, Douglas.
  6. Standard get out would be 'approved before I was in charge'. AB likes to shuffle the pack every few months so we get confused as to who was in charge and when.
  7. All it needs is one of those new signs that say 'this is civil engineering' I must get a load of stickers made up to put on them when I see them that say.. 'lessons have been learnt, move on'
  8. Yeah, well Douglas has a bigger one.
  9. Probably got fed up with having to fight the 'we don't want change' brigade. Pity - Port Erin will now be left to rot with no real future other than a retirement village for old people and people who piss away their tax payers paid wage in the pub. Now, if it was in Douglas ..
  10. Yep. Spotted TJ crossing the road the other day. I had to drop a gear and floor it through a couple of red lights, nip down a one way street (the wrong way) and take a short cut through The Strand (Jake and Elwood style) to get a closer look as he jumped up a lamp post to miss the back of the car as it swung round during the handbrake turn. I'm sure it was him. He never waived back though. How rude.
  11. What are filming for during the upcoming rash of road and path closures?
  12. Give easy to traffic from the right an ON the roundabout - a simple rule people heading into town from the Peel direction seem to forget when blasting over the 2nd one. Entry into the 1st does not give you right of way over the 2nd.
  13. I'm going to dig out my old tax disc and use that for a year, digging up otherwise useless crap seems to be the way to go when it comes to the roads. That road was pooling outside the fire station weeks ago before the top surface went on. While we are at it, when are going to finish painting the lines arrows and hatchings? With a couple of thousand bikers due anytime soon, there is the very real chance of someone seeing it as a dual carriageway and planting themselves into someone turning right or the railings at muckdonalds.
  14. Move on, lessons have been learnt ..
  15. Ooooooooo, oh, please do not suck, I have really missed Spooks! Sadly, I fesr, a different SpooksI fesr it isn'tRollocks, fat fingers. Another Spooks, I'll have to google it. Ok, its got Harry and a bunch of yanks. That'll ruin it.
  16. Ooooooooo, oh, please do not suck, I have really missed Spooks! Sadly, I fesr, a different Spooks
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26418991 An app that allows people to charge members of the public to use their private toilet is being tested at the New Orleans Mardi Gras. Sorted my contributions out - TT TT PPP the TT Toilet Tax Pee Payment Plan. Launch a TT Toilet app, charge anyone 2 quid, put some flowers in the crapper, sit back and rake it in. I'm sure it can be extended to include the CTT TT PPP, maybe even the PW TT PPP (if I lived on the route)
  18. I swap to Middle when/if the boundaries change this year. Either way the postie or the farmer won't get my vote and will be told so in writing and when they appear at my door.
  19. Take note people. If you're required to vote for any of that shower who voted 'yes' remember they voted in an unfair tax. Inform them now that they have lost your vote and support. But, you won't, which is why you get the same shower of shit every year.
  20. Pile up loo rolls outside gov office. Build a life sized tynwald hill, or a scale model of the 'wedding cake' Buy an extra roll and leave it as you pass, or we all go down Saturday to do it then go down the pub.
  21. If you provide photo evidence of shitting on holiday, therefore not shitting on island, can you get a rebate? Invest in pitchfork and flaming torch manufacturers before it's too late.
  22. It's 3.5 mill off the MEA debt, it's as simple as that. Only another 7 thousand years to go it will be debt free.
  23. If it offends you, write to your mhk. I'm sure someone on here can put a suitable master letter together. A suitable ending such as 'I'll remember your support come election time' would probably fall on deaf ears thou'.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPDgPROci2U&feature=share&list=PLFF6LikIw1sssCDd6by4ClepMoMpGRR9l Says it all. Meanwhile, down south http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuA26yO9VTo&feature=share&list=PLFF6LikIw1sssCDd6by4ClepMoMpGRR9l
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