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Everything posted by x-in-man

  1. The headlne was enough to make me spill my tea. I wonder how they stopped it splitting?
  2. Airwave is the UK TETRA system. Soon to fail. Airwave is closing its UK sites and network back up, cutting jobs. There are doubts about Airwaves ability to handle high call rates and data. It looks like most of the UK will be going back to analogue UHF and VHF systems in readiness for the whole thing to fall over. Motorola own the Island TETRA system. Which is a different thing. TETRA is just the name given to the Truncked radio data system used.
  3. Pole dancing WITH chips cheese and gravy - now I'd pay to see that.
  4. manksdan - downstairs in his office .. god i hope the net nanny never blocks MF here.
  5. saw this and thought of this thread. Can we expect to see a fleet of them, unmarked, to tackle street crime on the prom any day soon?
  6. Is all so easy - count the possible broken limbs 1:02 made me go ...'oh ffffffu...... that was close' And how many white line cross overs can you count?
  7. Saw Matty today .... over St Jonhs .... buying project boxes.
  8. Yes - did you? Were you there? I was mate... You? I was the dum sailor in the bath with the fish In that case - Saw Phoenix at the Tin Baths - He was the plonker in a sailor suit with fish. Did you go on the death wire zip thing?
  9. Yes - did you? Were you there?
  10. Bugger! and I was thinking of asking him if he was around for my first slipway launch to help me out!
  11. I think I may be missing a few shops. I know the shop in Ramsey has closed ... I went looking for it for some fittings for my MV Calypso the other day! Apart from PE (who seemed not to do the fine scale stuff I was after last time I was there) where else is there to try - or is there another opening for me and my hobby electronics/radio shop plan for when I pack up being a slave for a living?
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