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Everything posted by Snowflake

  1. Are you a parent? If you are, I just hope you are never in that situation.
  2. Free Simpsons game was crap anyway.
  3. That reminds me of when my Mum took my brother to casualty for yet another nose bleed (this happened regularly and they weren't just normal nose bleeds) and the doctor asked her if he was a 'bleeder'. Of course she replied 'Well, he can be a bit of a sod at times'. Lucky they knew his problem! If you have nothing to hide, you have no worries. Sometimes the first signs of a problem with a child only become apparent when a parent realises that the answers to these questions 'strike a chord'. Some child abusers are extremely clever in hiding things and the parents may have never had a clue.
  4. Pfft thats nothing, my son had munched on some laxatives and the doctor asked if I was concerned about his weight - errrr what you sayin like? My son did that too! Why do they make laxatives taste like chocolate?
  5. Here's a quid, go buy yourself an ice cream.
  6. Oh my god - I could have written this post myself. This for my daughter is the 3rd " loop " of authorities thrying to find something wrong with her for very similar reasons you have given above. They almost convinced me this time - I found myself doubting myself completely when it came to parenting - I was convinced it was my fault. But it's not because there is nothing wrong with her! She is a energy filled, imaginative 6 year old who hates sitting still, prefers to play alone, hums because she loves singing, excellent reader, where she should be at maths, and expresses child like excitement at everything new and exciting. I have finally allowed them to " monitor " her to prove there is nothing wrong. They have worn me down and encouraged me to doubt my daughter so I felt I have no choice. I admire your strength so much. And am glad there is another spirited child It seems like the authorities are scared of anything/one who doesn't conform to the norm must be curtailed. I love spirited kids, they show inter4st in people, surroundings and life in general. They do things their way and usually go on to great things, wether it's in the wide world of work or raising great kids. They should be celebrated!
  7. Details? It is a "care allowance" from social. I know there are some children that are seriously affected with this condition but I also believe there are a large number where it is simply bad behaviour that the parents cannot control. Catch up will you? It's called DLA (disability living allowance) and it would not be awarded for ADHD alone. There would be other underlying problems, possibly exacerbated by the ADHD, such as ODD, OCD, ASD, GDD, SPLD etc., etc.
  8. Just had me tea. Did I miss anything?
  9. I think you're special if that helps. You have some interesting posts loaf - so I think you might well have caught up throuigh the University of Life. Aww, Albert!! You are a real softie at heart! or are you just trying to 'butter' loaf up? If kids went out and climbed trees and played in fields, they would soon wear some of that excess energy off, but I do feel sorry for those parents and siblings of kids who do have ADHD, usually as an addition to autism/Aspergers. They really need the drugs prescribed for them.
  10. ok, three dimensions carpet/flooring is flat so you can walk on it, if it were metres squared, you would live in it or on it. The Isle of Man IS a parallel universe.
  11. a square metre is completely different to a metre squared one is two dimensional the other is four dimensional flooring is two dimensional room space is four dimensional so, therefore, flooring is sqm
  12. Just (finally) watched 'The worlds fastest Indian' Bloody Brilliant!!!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncvTSG05HSo Epic!!! Spelling Bee
  14. Just watched slept through 'Von Ryan's Express' watched 'Daylight Robbery' last night, it was brilliant!
  15. You forgot the Wok and the slow cooker. I'd be interested in the espresso maker and the george foreman grill. How much you want for them?
  16. Clawed de Pussey

  17. Freight quotes from: Steam Packet - £4k Mezeron - £900 'nuff said
  18. Taking money from the tax payers to subsidise a freight/passenger service will not bring down the cost of the food in the shops. As usual, it will be the man in the street that is out of pocket, no-one else.
  19. Hi, you said you got your seed mix from your local health food shop. Can you let me know which one it is, so I can pay a visit. Thanks

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