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Everything posted by spook

  1. I put a very great deal of the blame for the creation and promotion and certainly continuance of Judenhass on the Romans. And I'm being serious. Not in the Monty Python way, but in the Constantine and Nicaea way and what went into the invention of the Roman Catholic church. For anyone tired of the excitement of watching paint drying and with time, interest, and an open mind it's a fascinating subject to explore.
  2. Much more than said. The hamas charter contains a sacred vow to achieve that and in a way that it can never be revoked.
  3. Good point. Wish I'd seen it before I replied to the putz. (Don't know what means but it feels appropriate.)
  4. The situation re Ulster and Eire is absolutly dissimilar to the situation in Israel. As for the actions being taken by Israel as not doing what they are being forced to do the alternative would be to allow a criminal bunch of terrorists to destroy the absolutly legitimate nation and state that is Israel . As for the absolute black hearted lie that there has been a 'kill them all' strategy, that sort of garbage really does make believe that you are troll-ing. No one with one iota of brain could possibly believe such demonstrable nonsense. And after having done that the question then becomes where next? Spain? Greece?
  5. A United Nations panel to investigate both Palestinian and Israeli sides - sounds fair enough to anyone with nothing to hide........http://rt.com/news/181184-israel-hrw-amnesty-barred/ .http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/IGallery.aspx?GalleryID=343&Index=0
  6. LOL! MORE obfuscation from you, 'Mark'. It's the hamas low life scum that have rightly been condemned for their inhuman practices, not 'palestinians'.
  7. Never mind, there's good news from Gaza city the IDF restart the pulverisation of hamas sites and hamas leaders.. Also interesting that Qatar are now becoming obvious as one of the forces funding and supporting - and behind the insurgents in Gaza who are preventing the Gaza 'natives' from accepting a cease fire. Turkey is another. Turkey that is now DEMANDING EU membership.
  8. PUTZ! More likely he is afflicted by the sin of Onan as it is commonly interpreted today.
  9. Now there's a thought! Not a pretty image for the couple of people on this forum who know me in the flesh, but a thought nonetheless! So Detritus (apologies to Pratchett) maybe you could justify some of your silly accusations made against Israel and the IDF? Accusation of murder for example. Or war crimes, or even mass murder. All of which really are total garbage. But then, those who practice judenhass don't let facts get in the way of their wants. Such people really are vile.
  10. I'm not clear if you're a troll who has picked on a singularly inappropriate subject to play with or if you are a rabid racist intent on engaging in judenhass. Whichever is the case I for one find your views as expressed here quite obnoxious. What is obnoxious about not seeing Jews as "victims" (survivors would be a better generalisation)? Or is the fact that I get my news from a variety of sources what you find "obnoxious". I personally find the views of those who leap to the defence of Israeli war crimes and mass murder obnoxious. I am certainly not a racist and if your definition of a troll is someone whose opinions don't coincide with your own - yep I must live under a nice little bridge somewhere in Scandinavia. I would suggest that those who see the horrific destruction of thousands of civilians as acceptable in the pursuit of legitimate targets are both racist and inhumane. I'm still not sure if you're a troll, I rather hope that you are, because if not your perception of what is taking place is seriously perverted.
  11. I THINK it was Bibi who correctly said "Arabs (Mohammadans in the context that he spoke) do not hate The West because of Israel, thee hate Israel because of The West". It does strike me that if the Torah, The Current Talmud, The Bible, and the Koran were to be published today it is only the Koran that would be banned. Which raises an interesting question .....
  12. Such a brave keyboard warrior. I'm sure if the opportunity arose you'd volunteer yourself you feel so strongly.At my age and in my state of health I doubt if I would get far past the airport that I landed at in the UK.
  13. I am hearing from a friend in Tel Aviv that those wonderful peace loving sweeties in gaza have launched rocket attacks before the end of the present cease fire. Hopefully the Israelis and the rest of the world will finally realise that while a single hamas activist draws breath there will and can never be peace. For that reason the solution is obvious and I sincerely hope that the IDF will pursue that obvious solution.
  14. One certainty is that the Masada will never fall again. As for the Sampson option, that's the sort of thing the Mohammadans would do, there is no way that Jewish people ever would. Salting the earth does have precedence in the case of Abimelech but it likely that he was conducting a ritual cleansing of his city. As far as I am aware there is no record of Jews in history of ever salting (in any way) any land or cities that were lost in conflict. This differed from other people's in the wider regions where destruction of land by salting in various formats was not uncommon. Even the Romans are claimed to have salted (I think it was) Cathage during the Punishment wars but there's no contemporary records of this.
  15. I'm not clear if you're a troll who has picked on a singularly inappropriate subject to play with or if you are a rabid racist intent on engaging in judenhass. Whichever is the case I for one find your views as expressed here quite obnoxious.
  16. Since Palestinian is an invented nationality, invented by Arafat and his cronies, and since then Arab part of the British mandated territory was established in the form of Jordan your racist judenhass comment is nonsense.
  17. We ALL of us had relatives in the death camps. Close relatives or distant relatives, every single victim was a relative of each of us.
  18. I'm surprised some silly sod hasn't come up with The Protocols of the Elders of Zionists yet.
  19. That state for the Arabs who didn't want to remain in the part of the land that formed the British Mandate was created by the British when they formally recognised what had been Trans Jordan as Jordan. The remaining part was to be the land on which the nascent Jewish homeland was to established.
  20. Zionism is not only a part of Judaism, it is one of its most fundamental apsects. Have you even read the Torah? (Clue: It's the first five books of the Old Testament). The connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel is central to the entire religion. Anyone who wants a really 'informative' read should read the Talmud. Which one?
  21. What a load of rubbish. I'm unsure if this is the ranting of a bigot or the excreta of a troll, in either case it's nonsense.
  22. When it comes to Judaism it never ceases to amaze me how many have such blatant hatred of Jewish people and their religion and yet know so very little about either. Irrespective of the biblical authority the world decided that the modern state of Israel should be located where it is. Oh what's the point. Let's face it. People like to hate Jews. They don't know why, they just do. It's a European meme. If Jews ate pollution and excreted petrol they would still be hated. It's sickening.
  23. I have never heard them commit to "land for peace", so how could they be insincere about it? Yes, they are impervious to international criticism and UN resolutions, because those things don't mean diddly squat in the final analysis. What matters to Israel is their own survival as a people. And yes, the general international consensus against Israel is anti-semitic, because it is tantamount to the dismantling of the Jewish state. If Jews followed world opinion, they would have to build a rocket and go live in another solar system, or else have a mass suicide, because most people on this planet suffer from a mental disorder known as anti-semitism. I await your explanation as to why you are not calling for the dismantling of Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, and Yemen, and the establishment of mini Jewish states in those countries for the nearly one million Jews who were forced out of their properties in those countries, most of them taking refuge in Israel. Those UN resolutions are not quite what they are being presented as being. It appears that there are resolutions ----- and resolutions. Worth digging in to.
  24. "Land for peace". What a ridiculous concept. An so it proved but it did pove that Israel was prepared to bend over backwards to achieve peace. It also proved tha the palests were not.
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